Chapter 4

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Recap : "Jack this is for you"

He didn't take it just left me hanging, which wasn't very nice. I mean if he ever got turned down like that the person would probably lose a limb or their life.
He stared at me with blank eyes yet watching my every move. He looked to be about 6 ft 4 in or 6 ft 3 in. With raven colored hair cut in a military style hair cut with grey eyes ( like me ). And a small goatee that he seems not to like very much. His body is muscular for being about 48 years old.
Enough with my daydream I guess as I felt myself get slapped. And as I tried to give the letter to him though he didn't take it, I decided I'll leave it here. So I dropped it.
I saw a swarm of people surrounding me some with knives and weapons, but mostly just with there fists out to punch me. I decided at that moment in time that I wouldn't fight back.
There was no reason to as they wouldn't stop. I mean if I wanted to they would be un conscious or dead on the floor, as I'm not a typical girl. I may seem that I'm exaggerating or making it up but, all you need to know is I can take care for myself.
Once again I feel myself shaken from my daydream by a punches to my ribs, face, my whole body. I heard people screaming "fuck the bitch up" and " You didn't hit her hard enough , let me show ya how it's done".
I did not say a word or a peep of pain the whole time I was being abused I guess you could say. When they stopped I heard them discussing who and where they were going to dump me. I got up and walked away without anyone noticing.
And when walking away from the clubhouse I decided when I am looked for and if I need to help them will I be back to the clubhouse. Though all they did when they punched me was amuse me as they were such pussies to have to punch a girl to prove themselves.
Jack hinds P.O.V (MJs dad)

We were throwing a party for my second in commands son officially being voted in to get his patch, I was watching everybody slowly come to slap lil Jerry the banger on the shoulder while he fucked a club whore.
We named him the banger cause one morning you can hear banging in the kitchen silence then all the sudden everyone s door is getting banged on by lil jerry while he screamed there's a fire! There's a fire!
Anyways I noticed shipper come stomping inside the clubhouse to the microphone glaring at something in front of him he started to say

" A little bitch in here thought she could get away with kneeing me in my jewels and as what she did was un called for so I will get my revenge,,, come here bitch." He shouted.

I looked around for a man that was such a pussy that had to knee him in the balls so you could imagine my surprise when a girl that was somewhere between her late teens and early twenty's stepped forward. No fear on her face but what surprised me the most was the fact that she was an unknown to this clubhouse but especially to this party. The only reason the club whores were here was the fact that banger wanted some pussy to fuck. Only the patched were invited.

We would never hit woman its against my rule's unless its either for pleasure or a threat to my clubhouse or men. So we surrounded her I got to herb last but out of respect everyone made way for me and as soon as she saw me she said

"Jack this is for you"

She pulled out a letter and held it out wanting me to take it. I just stared at it knowing that i was not going to take it as i don't know the meaning she wanted me to receive the letter or what was put inside of it. So I left her hanging just to see her drop it on the floor seconds before the club jumped her. When she was covered in blood and on the floor i heard them as they were discussing who and where was her body is going to be dumped. I was there in the conversation but the whole time i was thinking she never said one word the whole time she was jumped, and as we all turned around we noticed that her body was not there her blood and of those that punched her was all that was left plus the letter that she had left covered in blood.

I walked towards the letter hearing everyone question where did she go how the fuck could we not see her leave, but as i picked up and opened the letter there voices were dwindling down till i could only hear the occasional whisper here and there as i opened the letter it read

                               Dear Jack Hinds ,
if your reading this letter i have perished possibly from cancer, our daughter, or one of  my drug deals gone bad.

Yes you do have a daughter from me though you probably don't believe me sating  you need proof but, my dear

you have already seen your proof as she would be the only one to give you this letter as i would of asked her to

give this letter knowing though you probably  will never see it as i never did anything to warrant such kindness

from her. i have written you this letter do you would know that you do have a daughter, and hopefully she's with

you now as you read this letter so you can be a family because as far as i know she is very brave and smart, she's

never been told that your her father by myself at least or maybe she already knows but on my death bed i wished for

her to give you this without knowing anything about you but your name as i don't know anything else as i never

kept track so you will probably never get this letter but if you do know that the one who offered you this letter is

your daughter so hopefully you didn't do anything stupid yet cause she's like you in away once the bridge is burnt

there will be no going back .

                                                                           Love  ,
                                                                                       Natalie Coors



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