Ch. 11- Life Beyond

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"NO YOU WON'T!" Death shouted out as he pierced my side. Riley heard and stopped going up, she started to descend with her wings still out, but that wasn't going to happen. With a wave of his hand, she is sent upwards fast. In seconds she's at evacuation level and disappears. I fall down on to my hands and knees as the object leaves my side. Gripping it I knew it was something that Death had made. Only he can inflict pain here. I feel weak. Was this the thing he mentioned? I get up to just on one knee, leaning on it and trying to cover my wound. I'm not bleeding but I can't let go of my side either. Like when you jab into a side of a table, you clutch it involuntarily.

"Now we are back to where we started. You on your and knees, me towering over you, just you and me are here. I feel my chest tense up, but this time I can't fight it. He took his power back. I'm a normal human again. Even with everything going on, I try look at my wrist and I see something that I needed. Riley: Saved. At that moment my chest returned to normal and my side didn't hurt anymore. I know that Death fixed me just to torment me.

"So, you're still fixated on that are you? Here, let me update that for you." With a wave of his hand all the names shift down, showing two more names. Matt: Dead. Rose: Saved. A tear forms when I see this.

"Now it has everything that's happened while you were here. That first name. That's a shame. Almost a perfect record. I still remember him too. The way his soul left so easily. Like he accepted me, but just couldn't say it. Didn't want to face it. That's someone who deserves to move on. What has to happen to someone to make them OK with something but yet not let it happen. They're totally fine with it, but still haven't come to terms with it. That's just heartbreaking. Here, keep looking at that wrist of yours. Because I love this trick." Looking I see the worst possible thing. My time goes from 10:50:27 to 0:20:00 in a matter of seconds.

"Jeez. I have more control over you than I thought. 20 minutes! That's nothing compared to the 24 hours you started with. Here, have this too." As I stand, I feel something wrap around my arms and legs. I'm bound and can't get out.

"Man, this is to good. You may not belong to me, but taking you away from all those people up there is just as good. They'll read the news and see: Local resident Alex Kane died in mysterious car crash. Ohhh everyone will be so sad. They'll see your face and just think: "Hey, I know that guy. He saved me. How did he not get out?" That is much better than owning you. Plus I took my power back, so it doesn't do me any good to have you anyways." He walks around me, looking at me.

"You look pretty clean I must say. A polo and jeans. Good everyday attire. But, let's just change that up a bit." A snap of his fingers causes my clothes to morph. Rips, shreds, and holes form. My necklace appears out of nowhere falling around my neck. Scratches and bruises appear everywhere on my body. I see my watch hands move quickly to 7:31. 14 minutes of advancement. I've been here for 14 hours. That must mean that every hour is a minute.

"Now that's the look of a dead man. Well, almost dead. You're nearly out of time man. Pretty soon you'll die from blood loss or just pain in general. But don't worry. Because even with how beat up you are," Another snap causes all of my art to appear before me. "your drawings are still good. Maybe your boss will see them and put them to good use. A final tribute to his dead employee. Top of the ranks in marketing. Knows just how to deal with people, get them to listen, and make them convinced in whatever you say. Maybe that's how you saved 4 people. Matt was a goner though. You knew nothing at the time." I don't know if he's trying to comfort me or just rub it in.

"15 more minutes, Alex. Are you ready to see Matt again? I bet he will be overjoyed to see you. Perhaps if you ask you can meet Riley's parents." He walks over to me and starts to whisper in my ear. "I hear they were very lovely people. Too bad they never got sent here. They were just instant. Maybe her stepdad is there too? Ohhh wouldn't you have some things to say to him." I've had enough of this. Using what space I can I pull away and headbutt him as hard as I can. I know it's useless, but it got him out of my ear.

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