Chapter 14~~A Shattered Heart

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I couldn't believe it. All these times, Zach was in love with me. Guilt immediately washed over me. Melanie has always told me how Zach's been oblivious about her love for him. Now I knew why he'd been ignoring her...he didn't like her, he liked me!

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I demanded and pushed myself away as I shot a glare at Zach.

He looked at me suprised and said, "What?"

"What do you mean what?" I repeated, furious. How could he ignore Melanie like that? Doesn't he at least care about her feelings? I felt ice creep up my trembling body and Zach pulled back his hand.

He shot his eyes to the ground and said, "I just wanted to talk to you, geez."

"Was your hands necessary to make conversation?" I snapped, anger still boiling in me. 

He glanced up furiously and said, "Why does it matter?"

I shoved my finger on his chest accusingly and yelled, "Why are you so oblivious?! So stupid?! Can't you see Melanie likes you?! Why can't you notice that?! For years you've been ignoring her feelings and I'm not gonna let her get hurt!"

Zach's expression changed from anger to confusion. "Wait, Melanie likes me?"

Typical boy answer. "No shit, Sherlock!"

He was quiet for a moment and the only sound that was audible was the movement of the trees and the gust of the wind. He shook his head and slowly said, "It doesn't really matter..."

The moment he said those four simple words, my anger exploded. "YOU DON'T CARE?!"

He cringed at the volume of my voice and snapped, "Well, I do, but I can't return her feelings. She's just a sister to me. She always has been." I could feel anger boiling in him and my anger intensified. How dare he be angry at me!

"And why not?! She's a nice, smart, and sweet girl!"

"Because I like you instead!" He yelled and I saw his face turned bright scarlet under the moonlight.

I shook my head and with a softer voice said,"Zach, you've been my best friend for years. I think it would be better to stay that way. I don't want to ruin the friendship we have. I think you would be better off with Melanie."

My anger was subsiding slowly, but the guilt I felt over Melanie was still in me.

He blinked several times as if I had just spoken Russian in his face. I could tell by his expression that he was surprised that a girl actually rejected him. Back in our school, he may be a loner like Melanie and I, but that doesn't keep other girls from noticing his good looks.

"Melanie's just a friend to me," Zach murmured as if I hadn't said anything.

"I'm very sorry, Zach. But I think it would be better to stay friends." I repeated, taking a step back. He looked up to meet my gaze and his expression turned to understanding.

"Okay," he sighed, surrendering. "But I will promise you something though."

"What's that?"

"I'm not going to give up on making you change your mind." He smiled that goofy smile that could make even the female teachers in our old school swoon. "I'll do whatever it takes."


The next day, I woke up with Percy lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling and I cursed in my mind. I expected him to be up before me. I wasn't sure what to answer if he asked me what I was doing at the stables eavesdropping last night. But then again if I avoided the question, he might be suspicious and start getting the wrong impression--like me liking him. I wouldn't deny it though, I still have the feeling. And him being single now does not help at all.

"Morning," he broke the crisp silence in the air.

"Morning." I dropped my feet on the floor, wanting to run to the bathroom and be with my thoughts and my thoughts alone. But the girl that loves Percy was still in me, and I couldn't fight her no matter what.

"Listen, if I ask you something can you promise to answer as honestly as possible?" He asked and I immediately tensed in my seat.

I was silent for a while and said, "It depends."

He took a deep breath--as if bracing himself--and said, "Amber, when we first met, it was easy to tell that you didn't like me. In fact, you seemed to hate me, even though we barely met."

I opened my mouth to speak but he was on a roll.

"And as time passed," he continued, "you change from one person to another. At one point, you're going to be a fun, brave, and sarcastic girl that you are. Just like how you acted when you busted that oil pump during the chariot race. But then suddenly, you stopped smiling and started to act like how I first met you--cold and silent. I'm not blind, you know. I saw your mood change the moment you caught Zach's eye.

Tell me," he stood up and sat next to me, making my bare thigh tingle. Why on earth do I sleep in boxers when I'm bunking with a guy?! "Is Zach making you act like someone else? Is he threatening you?" he asked.

I blinked in surprise. This was so not the question I expected. "Of course not!" I exclaimed. This was one of the most outrageous things he's ever accused me of. If he only knew the truth, then he would understand that Zach was just supporting me in helping Father. "Don't accuse him of anything! You don't know him!" 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you or anything," Percy quickly said and looked away.

"I'm not--"

"But at least give me an explanation of why you've been constantly changing. I want to know why the girl I want to hang out with has been changing into a stranger that I never want to know!" Percy demanded and I could feel anticipation and fear building inside of him. 

Tears filled my eyes as I bit my lip. This was the subject I least want to talk about. The emotion I was feeling from him was clearly love, and my heart was leaping with joy in me whenever I'm with him. The girl who yearned for Percy was screaming with happiness, yet I kept her locked up deep inside of me. I almost made the mistake of getting distracted and setting that girl free, but I couldn't afford to make any more mistakes now. I can't distract myself of what really matters, which is my mission.

We sat in silence, and I could feel his gaze over me as I stared at my hands, praying that I wouldn't just burst in tears. Thankfully, there was a knock on the door, followed by Grover's voice. "Yo Perce," he called. "Hurry up, man. We need to prepare for cabin inspection. It's Annabeth's turn today and you know how much of a clean freak she is!"

Percy sighed and reluctantly walked to the door. I used this as a diversion to grab my towel and some clothes and run in the bathroom. There, I opened the shower on full blast, hoping the water was loud enough to drown the sounds I made as I began crying.

I hated my life. I was stuck in the middle of two things I cared about most: my love for Percy and my loyalty to father and my friends. The love I felt for him seemed to grow in me, even though I promised myself I wouldn't let it happen. Right now there was nothing that I wished more than to use my ice powers to freeze myself and my heart. Maybe then I wouldn't feel any pain. Sometimes, out of the blue, I would just want to kill Percy for what he did to my father...but then I would remember the feelings I would have when we're in the same room and I would instantly forget about my grudge.

I wiped the tears off my face and stared at my reflection in the mirror. I didn't see the brave girl who wanted nothing to stop her father from reclaiming the throne that was rightfully his.

All I saw was a red-eyed and trembling girl who was deeply torn and conflicted. As I wiped my face again the reflection of the ring in my finger caught my eye. Its shinning red jewel seemed to glow as if it was mocking me of my weakness.

Suddenly, without thinking, I grabbed my hairdryer and slammed it across the mirror, shattering it to pieces. The broken shards flew to me and I felt the sharp edges slice my skin. Warm fluid flowed across my skin as I slid down the floor and began crying again.

But not because I was severely bleeding.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2011 ⏰

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