Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

       It was after school and Logan was at my house because we were told by Death by Death to expect another task today. I was hoping it didn't have to do with stealing because the last task was hard enough. 

       It took a while for the comic book we stole to be reported missing, so I had a feeling Logan and I wouldn't be caught at all. There would be no reason to suspect two teenagers who were supposedly getting a present for someone.

       "What do you think the next task is going to be?" Logan asked.

       I shrugged, scooting closer to him on the couch and resting my head on his chest. "I'd rather not think about it," I said.

       "I know," he said in a soft voice, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and rubbing it gently. "I'm just hoping it doesn't involve stealing anything."

       "Or involve anything illegal," I said.

       "Fin, it's Death by Death," Logan said. "Most of the tasks, if not all, are illegal."

       "I know," I said. "I just wish they gave us easy tasks. Or didn't give us any at all. I mean, what's the point of Death by Death anyway?"

       "I have no idea, Fin," Logan said. "It's stupid, I know. But there are people out there who like to hurt and torture others for no reason. It's sickening, but it happens."

       "I wish it didn't," I said.

       "Same here," Logan said.

       Flynn came skipping down the stairs and to the living room, stopping when he saw me and Logan. "Reason number infinity why you two should be a couple," Flynn said. "Get it? Infinity, like countless, and your name is in Infinity. I'm so punny." He sat on the chair and looked at the TV. "Is this a rom-com? Wait....are you guys having a date?"

       "We're not a couple, Flynn," I said.

       "Yeah, I know," he said. "But I ship you guys. Like, a lot. Jake does too. We're planning on starting a Loganity ship club, but we're probably going to be the only members because nobody can handle our awesomeness."

       Logan scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Awesomeness. Right."

       "We are awesome," Flynn said. "So, hey. You know that comic book store you guys got me that creeper figurine from? It turns out a limited edition comic book was stolen from it."

       "Yeah, we heard about that," Logan said. "Who would steal a comic book, though?"

       "Uh, it's limited edition," Flynn said. "Meaning it's worth a lot of money. And easier to steal that than something people value more, like a golden watch or a flat-screen TV. But in my opinion, comic books are better. For example, if there are two people walking the street and a robber approaches them, who do you think he'll go after. The one with a comic book, or the one with a golden watch?"

       "Do you always do this?" I asked. "Talk about the most random stuff?"

       "Sometimes," Flynn said. "Other times, I talk about awesome stuff. Like the fact that my cool, new sister has a boyfriend that she should get married to so, in a way, Jake and I would be brothers."

       "Not really," Logan said. "Fin would be Jake's in law, not you."

       Fin gave us a smile. "So what you're saying is you're going to get married?"

       "What?" Logan asked. "No, I was just saying if Fin and I get married, you wouldn't be Jake's brother in law."

       "So, now you're saying you might get married," Flynn said. "And don't deny it. You said if, meaning there's a small possibility."

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