Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

       I woke up the next day around five in the morning because of a really loud thunder clap. The power was still out, seeing as there was no red light that signaled my TV being off.

       I tried falling back asleep, but between the thunder and flashes of lightning, it was too hard for me. Logan was still asleep, his arm wrapped tightly around me. I scooted closer to him, resting my head back on his chest.

       Logan stirred a bit before pulling my closer and rubbing my arm. "You awake?" he asked softly.

       "Yeah," I said.

       "Can't go back to sleep?" he asked.

       "Yeah. I don't really like thunderstorms."

       "I know," he said. I angled myself to look at him, my eyebrows furrowed. He just laughed and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "Remember that one day when we were seven and you and I were at Lilly's house and we had to spend the night because of the storm? You were terrified."

       "It wasn't funny."

       "I wasn't laughing because you were terrified," he assured. "Anyway, you were so scared and refused to leave the washroom since there were no windows, so I had to sit on the other side of the washroom door to talk to you. We just talked and talked. And what made you leave was me promising to always protect you."

       I gave him a faint smile. "I remember that."

       "I'm still keeping the promise," he said. "I'll always protect you, no matter what."

       My faint smile turned wider and I leaned down to press my lips onto his before laying back down. A loud clap of thunder sounded, making me clench Logan's shirt tightly as I dug my face in his chest. "I really hate thunderstorms."

       Logan wrapped both of his arms around me. "I know," he said, pulling the blankets back over us.

       Somehow, I was able to fall back asleep and this time, I woke up at ten o'clock. I only heard a tiny pitter-patter of the rain, so I guessed the thunderstorm was over. 

       Logan wasn't in the bed, so I got up and went downstairs, finding him in the kitchen. He saw me and gave me a smile. "Good morning, Fin," he said. "Want some hot chocolate?"

       "So you just went to my kitchen and made hot chocolate as if you lived here?" I asked.

       "Yes," Logan said, holding out a mug. "Hot chocolate?"

       I rolled my eyes and took it from him. "Thanks. Is Flynn and Jake still sleeping?"

       "I think so," Logan said. "Your mom told me they crashed probably after two. She heard them laughing very loudly about really lame jokes."

       "That sounds like them," I said. 

       Logan and I went to the living room to watch TV since the power was back on. We sat down on the couch and I let him picked a movie since I could honestly care less about what we watched.

       While Logan was still choosing a movie, Flynn and Jake came down the stairs, both looking extremely tired. Their hair was sticking up all over the place and Flynn had his blanket wrapped around him. "I'm tired," he whined. "Jake was telling me these hilarious jokes."

       "Hilarious, sure," Logan said. "By the way, if you haven't figured it out, the power is back on, so you two can go play...."

       "Minecraft!" Flynn and Jake cheered together before running back upstairs.


I really hate short chapters and this is only 500 words. cx Oops. Don't worry, I try making my chapters at least 1500 words, so the other ones should.



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