Chapter 9

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~Erro's POV~

In the morning, we headed over to where we could look over the orc encampment. Garona pointed towards the stone archway, "The Great Gate."

"Why do they need so many prisoners?"

"Fel uses life to power itself," I responded. "Like wood for a fire," Garona added. "How many more orcs are they planning to bring?"

"All of them. This is just warband. When the portal is opened, Gul'Dan will bring in the Horde." Lothar ordered one of his men to get us back to Stormwind while him and another decided to ride ahead. Garona watched them move ahead. "Garona, we should go. It's not safe he-" He was cut off by what seemed to be something that muffled it. I quickly turned invisible and dodged the hand that reached out to me. I moved behind Garona a bit, returning visibility. I felt my arms start to burn. "No, not fel. Just regular magic." The burning died down, and my hands glowed blue. I took my defensive stance, ready to dodge and leap over attacks. "Durotan."

"The north, there is a black rock that touches the sky. I will meet with their leader."

"To challenge him?"

"I saw you bring the small teeth to our encampment. They have seen what is being built, but only you know what Gul'Dan has planned for my people. This magic is death to all things. It must be stopped. Tell him the black rock when the sun is highest."

"I will." She stepped forward, "Chieftain, if I return, would you take me into your clan?"

"You're safer here, with them." He glanced down at Khadgar. I felt that ache and anger flare up in me again, and I struggled to control my emotions. He let go of Khadgar at last, and if it were any other time, I would've laughed at Khadgar's awestruck look. The blue did not fade until the orc, Durotan, was out of my sight.

Once Lothar returned, he asked me to accompany him to the meeting Llane was holding with the other kingdoms. "Won't other elves be there?"

"Yes, and?"

"They will not like me being... in high regards with the king."

"Oh well. Now, come." I followed him to the room, and before the doors were opened, Lothar turned to me. "Be proud of yourself. Don't bother with the cloak."

"Are you sure of this, Lothar?"

"Yes." I sighed and unclasped my cloak. A guard took it, hopefully somewhere I would be able to get it back easily. Then, he turned back around and marched into the room. "Your majesty," Lothar began, silencing the conversation that was going. The elven people at the table refused to look my direction and instead settled for the king. "Commander, Erro..." Lothar nodded me on, "The orcs are building a portal, through which they plan to bring an army."

"And you trust this monster!?" the elves began to cry in outrage. "Quiet!" Llane responded in just as much outrage. "Erro has helped this kingdom more than your people ever have. Do not tell me who to trust! Even then, she was not the only one there." I felt my chin raiser higher as the elves shrunk away from Llane's sharp words. "If we do not stop them now, we may never get another opportunity," Lothar finished. "Where is he? Where is the protector of Azeroth?" one of the elves spoke. "Where is the Guardian!?" another shouted. "I suggest we take a recess."

"Take as long as you like. We're done," one said before storming away with his other comrades. A man approached, whispering something to Lothar. He turned to me, "I must go. Callan is injured. Do you wish to accompany me?"

"Um... No, just tell him I wish him well and to get some rest, please." Lothar nodded before hurrying away. Garona approached me next, "I would like to ask you to accompany me to speak to the king about Durotan."

"Of course. If you wish." So I went with Garona, and we informed the king of Durotan's meeting. "He would not ask for this meeting if he thought he could defeat Gul'Dan alone. The fel must truly terrify him."

"Durotan is scared of nothing." Lothar stood, "The location. The suddenness of this meeting. Sounds like a trap."

"It is not," Garona insisted. "Could be."

"It is not!"

"Could be."

"It is not."

"What do you think, my lord?"

"It is too good of an opportunity to ignore. Erro, what do you believe?"

"Me?" Llane nodded, "Yes, you, the only Erro I know of."

"I think Durotan was truthful. I do not believe there will be an ambush unless his plan is found out by the others who are on Gul'Dan's side."

"Then I think we have no choice. We must stop the orcs from opening the portal, but we will need help."

"And if he's lying?"

"Orcs do not lie!"

"What if he is?"

"There is no honor in it."

"And where is the honor in betraying his own people."

"It is not betraying if he believes he is helping them. Same as my father." Garona nodded towards me, "Durotan is protecting his clan. His enemy is the fel. Gul'Dan is the betrayer." The queen spoke suddenly from her chair, "This orc, Durotan. How do you know him?"

"He freed me, and he is loved by his clan. He is a strong chieftain."

"Strong chiefs must earn their clan's trust. If we are to expect you to join us, we must earn yours." She offered her a small, jeweled dagger. "To defend yourself."

"With this?" she said confusedly. I couldn't hold in my snicker of a laugh. "Yes," the queen said, attempting to not follow my example. "Now, find the Guardian."

~Khadgar's POV~

I headed into my room, seeing the Guardian standing over my research. "What is this?"

"Guardian?" I closed the door quickly, pulling my journal out of my robes. "This gate, we saw it at the orc camp. I've been putting together all the clues I can about it." He picked up a piece of paper, "This... This drawing, where did you copy it from?"


"And this?" he said, snatching a paper off of the long line of papers strung throughout my room. "This," he said, snatching another, "and this," another. "I've been researching ever since I felt the presence of the fel."

"I am the Guardian. Me. Not you, not yet, and definitely not that monster."

"I just thought you'd might appreciate some help." He looked up from that stack of papers in his hand, and then they were aflame. Only one was left, a drawing of Erro. "Have you been listening to the lies from this," he ripped the paper from the line, "Thing!?"

"She is a powerful mage!" I argued back."

"It is a monster. A child born from a demon. A child born from fel. As we speak, it pumps through her veins, and you are listening to whatever comes out of its mouth like a little school boy in the schoolyard! It is a monster!" I stared into the Guardian's eyes, unwavering and unmoving. Finally, the journal was on fire in my hands, along with the drawing in his. I snatched it from him and stomped it out. I folded it quickly and stuffed it into my robes, leaving my journal on the floor. "Also, don't presume you can help me. You have no idea the forces I contend with. If you want to help... Protect the king, and leave that monster alone. Leave the fel to me."

He walked out of the room, pausing at the bench to pick up the book I'd taken, "Interesting choice..."

"Guardian?" I called once more in hope.

With his exit, I rushed to the armory to find Erro and Lothar.

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