...Corrupted Little Bird~Pt.3 (Fin)

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~Author's Note: Welcome back!! Hope you enjoyed that cliffhanger ;D But now it's time to get down to serious business. Heh heh heh~

The throbbing in your chest rockets up into your throat and simultaneously to your knees at the figure leaning with one hand on the doorframe. All your wide eyes see is skin...pale, flawless, bare skin stretched over lean, rounded muscles framed in a crimson silk robe.

Out of pure loss of control, your stare crawls down the narrow body that flexes with long breaths to the protruding V of perfect sinew that slopes into a tiny, skin-tight pair of red briefs.

"You're late." You snap your wandering gaze up to meet Cruelle's exhausted yet penetrating eyes. His parted white and black hair lies messily on his head and his overall appearance is disheveled.

Was he already asleep? But it's only 11 o'clock, you think, swallowing hard. Jeez, where do I even start?

"I'm so sorry, Mr. De Vil," you begin before you're cut off by him shifting to return to his penthouse. Do I follow him...?

As if hearing your thoughts again, Cruelle calls over his shoulder, "Get in here, girl. Don't make wait on you any more than you already have."

"Uh, yes, sir" you mutter and shuffle after him while he crosses the room to light a cigarette.

Your mouth goes ajar at the interior of what's his master bedroom. All around you are glass walls with thin black supports with a thicker one intersecting the middle, and you realize its position marks the separation of two floors; the ceiling is that high up. The room is filled with nothing but red, black and spotted décor-a lot of spotted décor, actually, like the large rugs, wall tapestries, lamps, paintings of varying sizes and the bed sheets. There are even statues dressed in what you can only assume are his designs. At the end of the room is another elevator that has two floor options, and you recognize it's not a penthouse; it's a triplex penthouse, one of the most expensive living spaces you can possibly own.

Something moves in the bed with a muffled noise, causing for you to flinch. You squint and soon make out the curvaceous outline of a woman. Every nerve in you flusters at the thought of not only the possibility that you interrupted something, but that Cruelle had sex in general. He seems so above it all, like he'd never be able to find a partner worthy enough to fit his enormous ego.

The woman shifts again to give you a clearer view of her face. Wait...she's the girl from that news station!You gasp and catch your host's attention. Cruelle, cigarette dangling from his lips and hand cupping the lighter's flame, follows your eyes lazily to his previous conquest. The two of you meet gazes.

He chuckles deviously and somehow innocently. "I've had a busy night," he hums, the large room echoing the soft pats of his bare feet on marble floor as he saunters to the elevator. "Your tardiness made me quite unhappy, little bird, and I had to vent one way or another. But you see, it'd be very unhealthy for my PR if I went around murdering people... like you so made me want to do..." You can hear the cigarette holder creak as his grip tightens on it. He takes a deep breath. "Luckily for us, Miss Journalist happened to be vying for an interview with me, and who am I to say 'no' to the media?"

You frown amidst his dark chuckle. Why does the sight of a woman lucky enough to be intimate with Cruelle make you jealous? This guy only sees you as a nuisance, not a sexual option, not that you should be...

"Don't make me summon you again, Miss (y/n)," Cruelle calls.

Blushing, you hurry over and stand beside him in the chrome elevator that takes you two floors below, a flat you soon learn is solely for his colossal collection of furs. Everywhere you look is pelts of varying colors, lengths, patterns, and, obviously, animals. It's almost impressive that someone could fill an entire floor with one thing.

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