Male Cruella De Vil X Male Cross-dressing Reader Part 2

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Mr. De Vil looked at me from his new office Window. It's only been a week since I joined, when I did the business has sky rocketed into one of the most famous London brands. Buts its all to my cross dressing skills only woman would buy these cloths because im wearing them. And today I am wearing what Mr. De Vil had pick out for me today, an Purple silk scarf, with a blue shirt, that has ruffles where the breasts were supposed to be, black leather skinny jeans, there very tight, and black boot cut heels. And today's wig is a dirty blonde that has curls at the bottom. He even let a makeup artist do my make up, so I had red lipstick, black eyeliner, and mascara.

Mr. DeVil was happy at the outfit he just made. He wanted to show it to the world again, so every time he dresses me up. Mr. DeVil and myself would go out on fake dates. Still I wished i didnt really meet that nice old woman, or let Mr. Vil dress me up as one. But When we do go on our fake dates, and when Mr. Vil was gone from his seat, Men would come up to me out of nowhere and ask me to ditch my Boss or b-boyfriend just to spend time with them. Onistly I didnt want to go with them so I shook my head no. Even some of them get real nasty with me and start pulling me outside the place i was in. That's when Mr. DeVil comes back and see's me in trouble and then punches the other guy's away from me. And that would be the end for our fake dates. I have to say I never say Mr. DeVil smile before, ever... It would always be an smirk or frown when where always together.

But today was different, I didnt understand what was happening, But Mr. De Vil was acting excited... As soon as I sat down at my desk, a red glittering dress, black tights, a feathered red scarf, and red shoes were thrown at me. "Hurry up, and get up Mr. (L/N). We got a dance to attend to. " Mr. De Vil smiled as he race to get his formal dress shoes and jacket on. "I'll give you the details once were in the limo." He said as he paced around the store.

" Limo?... " I said to Mr. De Vil as he still paced around the store and around the fake manicans.

"Yes, Limo. Now please get changed. I already got your wig ready and makeup artists. She's waiting for you to be done and ready with." Mr. De Vil said as he also handed me a pair of fake breasts. I looked at him strangely. "Don't question,. just go get changed." He said as he went out the glass door, while turning the open sign 'closed'.

I quickly went into the dressing room and started to strip from my clothing and underwear. I got the woman's panty's and pulled them all the way up to my waist line. ' how can woman wear these...' I questioned myself as I looked into the mirror.

After I got done dressing into the dress and other accessories I went to grabbed my curly wig and found that it was the exact same color as my own hair. I dont want to ask Mr. De Vil why this wig is (H/C) instead of another color, so I just wear'd it. When the makeup artist was done she hold a mirror to me to show what I looked like. Red lipstick, red blush, eyeliner, and fake eyelashes. I still looked like a woman...

I walked out of the store to find Mr. De Vil gone, I panicked and started running around to find where he had gone, these high heels are starting to hurt, im going to have to take them off soon. Once when I turned to the ally way on the side of his shop I found two men drug dealing.

"(gasp)" Oh man, I hope they didn't heard me. I said as I quickly spun around back to Mr. Vil's shop. Right when I reached the door handle I felt a hand slithered it's way up my stomach and another holding my hand. I turned my head to find one of those two men from the alley way pinning me.

" Hey, little miss ~" He hissed in my ear.

"P-please stop." My voice was high and pitchy just like a girls.

" Awww ~ Little miss beauty is scared ~ " The other man behind us spoke up as he told the other guy.

I squeaked when the man holding me, started to nibble on my ear lobe. " Hhmmm ~ little miss taste mighty fine, might as well, take you with us." Before he started pulling me away from Mr. Vil's shop. Out of nowhere Mr. De Vil stoped in front of the drug addict man and gave him a punch in the mouth. The man let go of me and Mr. Vil was now holding me in his arms.

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