Male Cruella De Vil X Male Cross-Dressing Reader Part 1

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Cruell De Vil was one of the most Famous Designers in London and owned a variety of shops. He was known to create many and very gorgeous fashion designs about clothes and asseseries. In fact you where his assistant, more like slave...

Your P.O.V.

I remembered the first time I worked for Mr. De Vil. He was busy in one of his store's, running all around the complex, his cigerate in his mouth was just dangling by a thread, and his fur coat was hanging off his shoulders as he ran back and forth towards the copying machine and printer. A big crash sound happened, i didnt had time to react when Mr. Vil came running towards me, yieling ' Watch out!' and sending the air out of my lungs. When me and Mr. De Vil hit the floor with a 'thud'. when I finally opend my eyes I saw a flying silver object zoom above me, and through the glass door. Mr. Cruelle pushed himself up to look over my body and out towards the broken window, where I started to hear car alarms and people yieling 'Bloody murder' to what had happen. I looked at Cruelle as he pushed back his hair and looked straight down at me with a smirk.

" How may I help you... Sir?" he said to me. His voice was soft and soothing, but a little rough as well. "Are you just going to stare blankly at me or are you going to answer my question, boy." Mr. De Vil said annoyed.

"Oh, y- yes I came here for a job? It- it says that you where hiring for an assistant?" I gave him the pamphlet. Mr. Cruelle looked confused at me then took the pamphlet from my hand.

"Strange..." He says as he got up and pated himself off. "Don't remember handing out pamphlets to anyone willing for hire... Where did you get this?" Mr. De Vill asked me as he looked away from the pamphlets towards me.

"W-well got the-the pamphlet from a woman, she said that you where the only person who was looking for an assistant on fashion designs." And then thats when Mr. De Vill groaned in anger and throwed the pamphlet on the ground.

"Damn that old woman, I told her that it was supposes to be a woman, not a male. You!" Mr. De Vil pointed at me.

"M-Me!" I my voice cracked

"Yes you, who else would be here " He yeild as he dragged me into his office, and forced me to sit on a black leather couch. "The woman. What did she looked like." Mr. De Vil ordered me to answer but I started to get scared of his loud voice that i stated to shake and whimper in fear. Mr. De Vil noticed my dred against his loud and rude self and stopped, but he repeated the question more nicly. "Please just tell what that woman looked like so I can proceed in my day Mr...."

"My name is... (F/N), (L/N). Mr. De Vil..." I told him.

"Alright, now please tell me what that woman looked like." He said as he rubbed his temples, in anoyance.

"S-she had long grey hair a-and she had this nice smile that was gental, she also has a happy personality, and she even has this beautiful pin in her hair. It was like a cherry pin? " I questioned my own self as I gave the details to Mr. De Vil. "Oh and I th-think it was two days ago, But she was wearing and red tank-top and she had a black long skirt. S-she also has black shoes tha-" Before I could finish my sentence, Mr. De Vil cut me off with a raised hand.

"Alright that's enough, I heard you at 'Cherry Pin'. Well that is her... Damn wretched witch, I shouldn't even given her that pamphlet..." Mr. De Vil mumbled the last sentance then paced back and forth again.

"What's w-wrong? Did she do something? Or m-me?" I looked at him with a worried expression.

"Yes, and I'm guessing that you where just wondering around this town looking for a job and that's when you bumped ino her?" He looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

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