The fight

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"Draco! Why aren't you here for our 3rd anniversary dinner!" I yelled into the phone, I dropped baby Scopious at Mum and Dad's house for tonight since Draco was supposed, and I mean SUPPOSED to meet me at this muggle restaurant.

"I'm sorry honey, but I have to stay here for 5 more minutes!" Draco reassured me,"I'll just be about 10 minutes late!" "Well I-" I stopped, he hung up! I can't believe that stupid little-UGH!

"Ma'am, are you still waiting for your date, our do you need your bill? We're about to close, and you've been here for about... One hour." The waiter asked me,"I'll just take the bill." I moaned dully. He handed me the bill, and I paid. I stormed my way out of the restaurant, ten minutes late, I wouldn't even wait five minutes more! That man, oh! He's going to be in trouble when I get home!

I got into my car and I started to cry, a single tear slid down my face, then 5 more. I dressed up all nice for him and he hasn't come yet! Oh, I'm going to really yell at him when I'm home, probably use the silent treatment on him!

I started the car, I drove onto the road. My phone started to ring at that moment too. I too a quick glance at it, it was Draco. I decided I should keep it ringing, so he could get worried and finally realized I'm not gonna pick up. I felt something wrong was happening, I looked around the car quickly then turned to
The road, I looked at how fast I was going, 87 miles per hour! Oh, I stepped on the breaks because there was a red light in front of me.

I tried to calm down at that moment, looked at all
The cars, going different directions as they turned. It amuses me for some reason, it seemed real. I started to cry again, thinking about something real is like thinking about what me and Draco had, we had love. I have no idea if that's real or not-.


Oh I hope I'm not running late! Oh Goodness dang it! Why a call? I picked  up the phone, it was a wizard hospital, the woman on the phone asked," Mr. Malfoy, is you wife Ginny Weasley Malfoy?" " Yes, did anything happen?" Draco asked calmly, he new the hospital called once in a while to check on Ginny just in case she got another injury playing quittich again. "Your wife got into a car crash, somewhere near your home. It's best if you come here immediately sir, she is in a critical situation." The woman on the phone spoke.

"Hold on. What? No, no, no, no! How? Is she awake? Does she remember the crash?" Draco called into the phone worryingly,"I'm sorry, she is in surgery getting some of her parts stitched up. Her right arm broke, and her right leg has a big bruise, and she supposedly got hit by a drunk driver, sir. I'm very, very sorry!" She apologized,"It's okay, as long as she is alive." Draco hung up,He turned around and headed towards the hospital.


I blinked a few times, I wasn't here before! Am I at the hospital? I looked around, instead I was a a wizard hospital instead. I saw a white bed I was laying in, tucked in the covers. The room had pictures of wizard doctors and the room was filled with 'get well' stuff from family and friends. The only thing I didn't see was Draco. At work huh? I'm still so mad! Hold up, did I get hurt in a car crash? The last thing I remembered is that I saw a car headlong towards my left side of the car and I was going through my thoughts, I did get hurt in a car crash! I looked around my body, my arm was slightly hurting, it probably broke once. And I looked under the covers, there was a bruise, a small one, probably healing. There were no cuts on my body, just some dark spots that look like a cut had been there. I looked at the door, Draco was running towards it, he looked at the doctor next to the door, the doctor nodded, Draco came hurdling in. He smiled at me,"Your okay!" "Your not okay!" I yelled back,"What?" He looked at me like I was crazy," I'm so mad at you, you didn't show up for our anniversary, if I wasn't for you, I wouldn't be in this mess and we could have had is a fun that night!"

I continued," It's all your fault that I'm stuck here for 3 days, I bet you weren't on you way to the restraint, I bet your cheating on me with a younger, slimmer, funnier woman! Get out of my room, I pointed with my good arm towards the door,"Doctor! Doctor get this man out of my room!" "The doctor looked inside and opened the door, you heard the woman, sir, get out, please." Draco had so choice but to get his bit outside the door.

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