3 Years Later...

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I'm in his bed. In his bed. That thought kept rolling through my head. I'm in his bed! Why am I in his bed.. He looks so cute laying shirtless on the other side of the bed.

Of course I was shirtless, but I had my bra on. I looked around the room, velvet Red walls, big double doors (which led to balcony), and one big single door (which led to hall), and a sliding door on the side (the closet). On Draco's side was his phone and a cup of firewhiskey. On my side I had my phone, car keys, firewhiskey, and.. My underwear?

I wasn't wearing underwear? I looked. Nope I wasn't! Ok... kind of awkward... I checked the other side with Draco, he was naked. Of course, classic Draco! I realized my bra was un-hooked! I took it off. Made me feel more comfortable naked.

I remember last night, but it's kind of blurry. Draco and I were on a date her, at his house, and his parents where gone because they were at a business trip.. Then Draco and I watched a romantic comedy movie, I asked for a drink and he gave me firewhiskey. I didn't know what happened after that. Blurry to me.

Draco turned over and saw my chest. His eyes widened as he saw something he shouldn't have seen. I giggled," Good morning!" I was smiling. He scooted towards me and we cuddled. It was lovely to feel the mint scent coming off him, since it made my body relax more. "Hey, good morning sunshine!" He greeted me with a smooth smile," Happy anniversary!" "Happy anniversary," I responded.

Three years together. And it's June 17! exactly three years ago we started dating. I was so grateful for this, us! He filled my whole world with happiness.

I grabbed the silk robe that was laying on a hook that was on top of the bed, I put it on and jumped out of the bed. Draco did the same thing, but he drank the rest of his firewhiskey.

I went down to get a morning cup of coffee. His house was brilliantly lit up! The chandelier was lit up by the looks of it, the walls painted with a brilliant black and green pattern!

I took a sip of coffee and walked outside. The sun was rising up in a wonderful orange and dark yellow mix. Half of the sky was light blue, the other half was still dark.

I went back inside, put down the coffee, and opened the window to get some fresh air! I heard the shower running upstairs, Draco was probably having a bath.

I went to go turn on some music, the song L-O-V-E was playing. I sat down and listened to the beautiful sway of the music:

L- is for the way, you look, at me,

o- is for the only, one, I see,

V- is very, very... Extraordinary,

E- is everything I I much, much adore!

And LOVE is al that I can give, to you...

I turned my attention away from the music for a while and put down my coffee to wash my cup. I turned off the radio for some peace and quiet. Once I noticed that the bath stopped running, I decided to go up and take a shower.

"Hi honey!" Draco smiled happily in his black shirt, blue skinny jeans, and white converse that have seemed to been used a while. "Hey! Did you take a bath?" I asked,"yup!" He answered. I walked past him into the closet.

I narrowed it down to a gray long t-shirt, some cute black and grey stripped leggings, and some navy Levis to top it all off. I went to go and have a shower, I put it to hot water so I can relax. I put in this new bath bomb to explode, and I started to strip off of my robe, I hung it up and stepped into the surprisingly large tub.

Once I was finished, I drained the water out and grabbed the towel that was hagiography beside the tub. I wiped my whole body and slipped on my clothes. I blow- dried my hair and but it in a messy- bun. It was pleading to the eye. Well for MY eye, at least.

I walked downstairs and smelled some bacon and eggs, and a tower of pancakes! One stack had more that he other, I bet that was my stack, I love pancakes!

Draco was holding some flowers and lit up a candle, just as I walked into the dining hall. It was beautiful! Ginger scented candle, perfectly in the center! And my favorite breakfast foods!

"Morning Ginny, hope you like it.." Said Draco shyly, he handed me that flowers. I stood in awe! After a moment I Draco and gave him a passionate kiss on the lips, he held me in my arms and I was starving to cry tears of joy!

"Hey, hey! Why are you crying? Is there something wrong?" He asked. I was skating my head," No, *sniff* It's just that you went through so much trouble.. Just to make me a wonderful breakfast!" I wiped my tears," I can't believe you went through THIS MUCH, just for my pleasure! I love you Draco, thank you.. Thank you."

I stopped crying. This was too much for a Weasley. " it's okay babe," Responded Draco happily," I'm happy to do this for you, just for your pleasure! Your welcome, sweetheart!"

He played our favorite song,'I'm gonna love you' and we slow danced to it. I latex my head on his shoulder as he brushed my face with his thumb. I was happy, I was relaxed, mixed emotions of how I felt that morning was so much!

He pulls sour something that was behind the radio," I know I might be going to fast, but we are both 24 years old.. So *cough* it's okay if you say no.. But," HE NEALED DOWN on one knee,AND FACED THE DARK PURPLE BOX TOWARDS ME, he slowly opened it. I ring! A shiny silver ring with a baby blue diamond on it! Was- was he asking to marry me?

"I know we have gone through a lot together, I don't want to pass this opportunity up! Even thought this is not a fancy restaurant, we're not in fancy clothes, we're not in the perfect area to do this.." He grabbed my hand," But, will you marry me?" His words came out like a soft, cozy pillow. The perfect thing to hear, like a love song!

I looked him straight in the eyes, his handsome grey eyes, staring into his soul. I truly loved him, and he truly over me! "Yes!" I answered jumping," Yes! I will marry you Draco Malfoy! I will be with you till the very end of time!" He stood up and kissed me like he never did before!

We smiled, a new chapter in our life...

N/a: thanks for reading the story, and thanks for sticking with me this far!


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