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He gives strength to the weary and increases the power to the weak

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He gives strength to the weary and increases the power to the weak.
Isaiah 40:29
I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength
Philippines 4:13

My view,
Life is really hard, sometimes it can be to much the handle. I know some times it feels like God is just up in heaven having a great time while were all down here on earth suffering. But its not like that God is with us ALWAYS! The bible says he's closer than a brother. That basically means he's closer than your best friend. And when times get hard we can rely on Gods strength. A lot of the things life will throw at you you won't be able to handle on your own. But with Gods help you can! Just pray and ask for his strength and wisdom in every area of your life. He will help you.
My advice,
When problems pop up in your life you might ask yourself why dose God allow bad things to happen? The beat answer I can give you is He doesn't!
He loves us so much he gave people free will. He gave people the freedom to do as they please. And that means there are going to be problems in your life. Because we humans are flawed none of us are perfect!
I like to think of it as a workout with something really though happens! Its God making our strength stronger through Him. Think about it if some one never worked out and picked up any weights they wouldn't be very strong. Well it's like that in life too! The thing about Gods strength is it will never fade out or weaken that's pretty cool isn't it! We have that kind of strength through Him and its always building.

Ask for Gods strength and rely on it for a whole day. That means turning the other cheek when people do you wrong, talking to the kid that has no one to talk to, showing everyone you meet that you care about them! Telling your friends or someone you know about Christ share your faith. That's just a few of the many things that God wants us to do that requires His strength. It sounds really hard doesn't it? Well remember nothing is too hard for God.

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