Tearing Through the Pages and the Ink

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Ink sat alone in that universe for a while, everything he held dear was, well, being possessed. And to think, his brother's and his friend's child was in the hands of those terrible maniacs he had made himself. It was HIS fault this was happening. The end of the world was coming, and no one was by his side to stop-
"That's so un-rad brospeh!" A voice calls out. Ink quickly turns around to see the 90's incarnated behind him. "Fresh?" Ink asks, unsure if this was really the same parasite he made long ago. "Wiggidy Wiggidy! It's me broski, your favorite neighborhood cool kid is back from downstairs." He would go to hell. Ink thought, but quickly shakes his head, looking at the parasite in front of him. He could be working with them.
"What do you want?" Ink asks, raising an eyebrow. Fresh just walks up to Ink, "To help you with em' totally un-fresh brahs, all up in here tryin to end the multiverse." Fresh says, shaking his head.
"Why should I trust you?" Ink asks, narrowing his eyes. "Well home slice. I'm your only shot!" Fresh responds. Ink sighs, "That's a good point... ok, what do you know?" Ink asks. "Well, I know that my parasite brahs are cookin up a plan to let that End girly-o posses Error's love child." Fresh responds. It... technically is a love child, so, he's not wrong on that part... Ink thinks, "So we have two months.... That's not very long..." Ink says, starting to pace.
"Yo Yo, I know my broskis, all they really want is some fun." Fresh says with a shrug. "They want to make ya pay phat. They blame ya for their all up pain on the inside brah." Fresh adds. Ink flinches at this, I did leave them without bodies, no wonder they want to destroy the multiverse... He thinks, "What if... I made them their own bodies?" He asks, a small spark of hope in his soul.
Fresh starts laughing, laughing harder then Ink had ever heard him laugh before. "You think that's why the hate ya? Wow brospeh! You totally don't know anythin about your own creations do ya?" He asks. Fresh takes off his glasses, revealing his terrifying eye. He points to it. "They hate you because you made us monsters." He says with no slang what so ever, meaning this was a topic he was very serious about. Ink flinches, "I-I didn't mean to!" He exclaims. He obviously regrets doing such a poor job at making them.
Fresh puts his glasses back on, "I know broski, I forgive ya... They tried to get me to join 'em! But I couldn't betray my home dogs like that, ya know?" Fresh says. Ink nods, "Thanks Fresh." He smiles a little, I never knew he could be nice... good to know. Ink thinks. "Now, before they all up kill us all, what's the plan painter guy? We usin that journal thingy?" Fresh asks. "Maybe... hold on." Ink says and takes out the journal. He opens to the most recent page and looks through it, "Ink teams up with Fresh to stop the other three paracites..." He reads aloud, "That's all it says so far." He adds, looking at Fresh.
"Lemme see that brah." Fresh says, snapping his fingers so the journal appeared in his hands. He took out a pencil and tried to write something in it... That didn't work out too well for him. He was sent flying into the nearest wall in Ink's house. Ink quickly grabs the journal, "Are you ok?!" He asks, staring at Fresh. Fresh gives a thumbs up, before teleporting next to Ink. "Ya know, there's somethin I can do... You're gonna totally think it's un-fresh though." Fresh says. Ink sighs, "Let me hear it..." He says. If it includes possessing me, I swear to me... He thinks. "I could kill that soul before it's born, then our homeslices are totally radically safe." Fresh says with a shrug. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, what?!" Ink exclaims, "Are you- I can't- I don't believe-" Ink continually struggles to find the words he's looking for, and eventually gives up in a loud groan.
Fresh suddenly frowns, "Ink, let me level with you. Error and Blue won't be alive soon, they've taken over their own souls. That child is going to grow up without parents if we don't act soon." Fresh says, lacking his weird 90's slang once more. Ink goes quiet once more, He has a point... I guess we have no choice then... He thinks. He goes over to one of the chairs and sits down, sighing, "Error is going to hate me for that, but... Hopefully he'll understand..." Ink says, sighing.
Fresh smiles once more, "I know a rad-tastical way to the anti-void." He says, grabbing Ink's arm. He teleports them to what seems to be above Yan and Marco. "Stay here broski." Fresh whispers, before snapping his fingers. The soul in Yan's body flies up to him, he was just about to crush it when Yan's clothing starts to flicker back to a blue and grey pallet. "N-No..." Two voices say over each other, one Blueberry's one Yan's. Fresh just stares at Yan/Blueberry, clearly intrigued.
Fuck, Berry will be even MORE pissed at me than Error, it's his dream to have kids with him! Ink thinks. Him and Fresh look at each other, Fresh looked curious while Ink looked worried. All of a sudden Blueberry/Yan looks up, obviously seeing Ink and Fresh. He snaps his fingers, appearing in front of them. with a blue bone in one hand and a knife in another, with tears of sadness and a deranged smile, they both talked at the same time. "Old man, Ink, please give me my child." They ask. Ink starts to shake, he gulps, "Berry, I'm sorry." He says. He looks at Fresh and nods. Fresh crushes the soul, destroying the still growing soul inside. Yan/Blueberry's eye twitches. He looks at Fresh, anger in his eyes.
"How dare you- defy End." Fresh is instantly impaled with a thousand knifes. Blueberry/Yan quickly runs over to the dust of the soul. Momentarily, Blueberry seems to take control, his clothes now being Blue once more. "No..." He says, taking the dust in his hands. He returns back to the yellow color pallet. Yan waves his hand around the dust, a green magic surrounding it. It turns back into that growing soul it was before. Ink grabs the soul, looking at Blueberry momentarily before mouthing 'I'm so sorry' and disappearing.


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