Sans finds himself in a completely white place. "Hello?!" He calls out, but nobody came. Fear washes over him, where is he?? What happened to the human? Where is his home??? As these questions, as well as many more, circle in his mind, laughter sounds from somewhere. It sounded... Glitched...
A glitched version of himself walks up. Yet he was so much taller, his bones were black, his eyes didn't match, he wore a, what seemed to be, comfy jacket, and some shorts. "Um... H-Hello there!" Sans says nervously. The skeleton in front of him grinned. "So-o-o polite. He-h, too bad I already ha-a-a-ve pl@ns f0r you." The skeleton says, his voice glitching. Sans feels himself start to shake, who is this skeleton?? What was he planning???
But the little voice in his head was begging him to be nice to this glitched version of himself. "I'll kill you, I'll kill you, if you don't befriend him." It spoke. Why wouldn't I be nice to him?? I'm sure he has a good side. Sans thinks. This seems to satisfy the voice and it goes quiet. The glitched version of himself ties up his soul with blue strings. He laughs a little before smirking and walking away. He just sat there and waited, thinking.
What did this... This thing in his head want from him? "I have a name!" The voice replied, he noted how it was seeming to get louder. "Who are you then?" Sans asks in a hushed voice. "My name is Yan!" The voice says cutely. Yan? Wasn't that the name that appeared on the Stats? Sans thought to himself. "That it is!" Yan replied. "So... what are you?" Sans asks. "You!" Yan replied happily. "You know, I can hear your thoughts, you don't HAVE to speak!" Yan says. .... I knew that... Sans thinks, What do you want from me? He then asks. Yan giggles "You'll see!" He says.
Sans shivers and sighs, yawning. He felt exhausted, but he was going to stay awake, what if something happened while he was asleep? "I could take over while you sleep! I'll keep us safe!" Yan says happily. Sans shakes his head, What if... what is his name anyway? Sans thinks. "Error, his name is Error. And don't worry about him! I wouldn't have picked you if I thought he was going to kill you!" Yan says happily. "O...kay then..." Sans says and yawns, laying down on the ground... it was freezing. He soon fell asleep.
When Sans woke up, he found a jacket placed on top of him. It was Error's jacket. Why had he placed it on him? Yan was squealing in his head, but Sans was confused. Yan? What happened? Sans asks. "Error came over, you were shivering and badly, so he laid his jacket on us!" Yan says, going back to squealing. Huh, I guess I should thank him. Sans thinks, getting up and looking for Error.
He finds him sitting down. "Hey... Thank you for the jacket. Here it is." Sans says, handing him back the jacket. "Keep it, I never liked it anyway." Error responds. Yan keeps squealing in Sans's head, "O-Oh, uh, thank you..." Sans says, sitting next to Error. "M-My name is S-" Error cuts him off. "I know your name." He says. "Oh..." Sans says, looking at the ground.
"Well, I'm not going to call you 'Sans', so, how about Blueberry?" Error asks. I could tell that he was trying to be nice. "He gave you the jacket! Wow you really were a good host! He's had that jacket since... Well since I could remember!" Yan says, he seemed so happy about this. "That... That would be fine." 'Blueberry' replies. Error looks at Blueberry and sniffs before looking at the ground again. "You okay?" Blueberry asks, placing a hand on Error's shoulder. Error jumps and smacks Blueberry's hand away. "D0N't 7oU-c-ch ME-e-E!" Error yells, glitching badly. Blueberry jumps, "S-Sorry!!!" He exclaims, shaking badly. Error calms down after a while. He sighs and looks at Blueberry. "I have haphephobia." He clarifies. "Oh... sorry... again..." Blueberry says awkwardly. "it's fine." Error says coldly.
"You know, I was going to use you. But you're obviously too weak for my plans." Error says. "That means he's starting to like you." Yan clarifies. Blueberry blushes slightly when he hears Yan say this. "... what were you planning to do anyway sir?" Blueberry asks. Error laughs, "It's not important. You don't need to be so polite, I basically kidnapped you. You should hate me. But... You can call me Error." Error says. So Yan was right... Blueberry thinks to himself. "What? Do you think I was lying?" Yan asks. "Okay Error... and I don't hate you, I believe EVERYONE has a good side to them!" Blueberry smiles at him.
Error laughs, "You're funny Blue..." Error says. He gets up and walks away. Blueberry stays where he is, wrapped in Error's jacket. Error leaves once more, Blueberry could have ran through a portal in hopes it would take him home. But instead, he stayed put. He stayed put because... He really wanted to help Error. "You're an idiot." Yan says. "No I'm not." Blueberry says, "I'm nice!" Blueberry retaliates.
"Who you talkin to broski?" A voice asks, it sounds like a stereotypical 90's voice. Blueberry jumps, "Wh-Who's there???" Blueberry asks. "Just me broski, here to stop that thing inside of ya from killin the multi-verse. So it'd be the bomb digidy if you let this radical cool kid do that." Fresh says. He walks forward and something in Blueberry... Snaps. His soul turns yellow entirely instead of blue, a yellow knife appearing in his hand. "I can't let you do that pal!" Yan says cutely, killing Fresh almost instantly. A pile of rainbow dust lies there. Blueberry's soul turns back to it's light blue color. Blueberry drops the knife and backs away from it quickly.
"You killed him!" Blueberry yells, horrified. "No, we killed him!" Yan replies. Blueberry whimpers, "I-I'd never kill anyone!!!" He says. "Well, you just did! Now shut up! He's coming back!" Yan says. Blueberry knew at that point, Yan was very very dangerous. Error walks through a portal and the first thing he sees is the rainbow dust on the floor. He slowly looks at Blueberry, "How... the..." He says, his eyes rather wide. "I'm-" Blueberry is cut off by Error. "Someone finally killed him!" He says happily. Blueberry was confused now, Error was... happy he had killed someone? "God, that parasite was a real pain in my neck, thanks Blue! I really owe ya!" Error says.
Blueberry for some reason felt... Happy that Error was proud of him. "Uh... okay then??" Blueberry asks, rubbing the back of his neck. For some reason... Blueberry felt heat rising to his cheeks. Error unties Blueberry's soul, "There. Now we're even." Error says. "If it makes you feel better, I'm not going to leave! You're my friend!" Blueberry says. Error's cheeks go dark blue. "F-Fr1e-N-n-d?" Error asks glitching slightly more. "Y-Yeah!" Blueberry says. "I-I've never had a friend before..." Error says, looking down at his feet. "Well, you know what they say, there's a first time for everything!" Blueberry says happily. "You deserve a better friend than me." Error says, looking up at Blueberry. He was clearly self conscious about not being good enough. "I'm sure you'll make a great friend!" Blueberry responds.
"Yes yes yes yes! I picked the right one!" Yan says happily. Blueberry seems confused, "You okay Blue?" Error asks, tilting his head to the side slightly. Blueberryy nods. It's silent for a bit. Error's eyes go wide, "Blueberry... Why is part of your soul yellow?" Error asks. How does he know that? Blueberry thought to himself. "He just untied your soul, idiot!" Yan says. "Uh..." Is all Blueberry says.
Error notices how the yellow part of the soul was slowly consuming the light blue. His eyes go wide with realization. "You're infected with something." He says. "W-Well, there's a v-voice in my head, it's name is 'Yan'." Blueberry says nervously. "Yan..." Error repeats. "I need to get Ink..." Error says under his breath.END OF CHAPTER TWO