Chapter 15

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Blade's POV
My alarm was going off Cole had a tight ass grip on me i tried to get up but he wouldnt let go so i grind on him he starts to moan i do that until he cums in the joggers he lets go i take a shower and change (outfit above) what was that for he asked well you wouldnt let go so that was my last resort i said well at least i woke up good i gave him a black wife beater some black ripped skinny jeans and some black yezzys my phone rang hello i said its me Manny said took off running i ran all the way down the stairs Cole right behind me i drive to the hospital i find Manny what i said shes asking for you he said some bitch nurse got in my way bitch if you know who i am you'd move your ass before i rearrange your face i said darkly she ran i walk in how far is she i asked she is ready to pop the doc said ok Julie im gonna need you to push i walk over to her Julie look at me i said when i say push you push she nodded push i said push I said agian ok one more time give it all you got push i said breathe Julie i told her she pushed i heard the cries of the baby boy whats his name Blake Lee Cole she said they cleaned  Blake and handed him to Julie she feed him i walked out Manny hand me the pacifier he handed to me i took it to Julie here Julie i got this hand made i gave it to Blake Julie let me hold Blake she was asleep when the boys walk in you gonna grow up big and strong like daddy i said he looked at my neck he was  looking at in awe i moved my neck so he could see the black rose he stared me and put his hand on my cheek i looked at his he giggled we stood there staring at each other he looked at my arm in awe Blake daddy has one too i said to him i walked to Manny pulled his arm Blake looked at his arm that had our skull gang sign on it he looked at it whats his full name Manny asked Blake Lee Cole i said you know she used your name without the ley and Cole's name he said i nodded can i have him i asked everyone went wide eyed what i want another kid i whined go make one Drake said nah im good i said get the doctor i said they got the doctor i want her and the baby a private room i said but- i cut that bitch off real quick i can make you or brake you i seriously want to break you if she doesn't have a private room in one hour i will sue this whole damn hospital and I'll make sure you never work for anyone now get me that damn room or i sue i said angrily Blake put his hand on my face i calmed down now i said darkly i gave Blake to Manny to and he started balling his little eyes out Manny paniced and gave him back to me stopped crying automatically everyone looked at me wide eyed what i asked why did he cry when you gave him to me but when i gave him back to you he automatically stopped they asked i dont know i said i walked out to the hall y'all bitches have one hour before i sue this hospital i yelled darkly blake didn't even cry he laughed they all started working faster i tried to give Blake to someone else but he wouldn't let me go  i gave Blake to Julie he was fine i would give him to Cole and Jason he would be fine anyone else he would cry until he was given to one of us  Manny got down on one knee and proposed to Julie she said yes where did you get this ring she asked Blakeley he said how-i know everything that has been your dream ring since you were 10 you want your wedding to be  black and white you dont want a puffy dress you want something fitting that hugs your curves you want someone really close to you to be your maid of honor you want white Rose's and youve always dreamed of marrying someone like Manny and you've always wanted a baby boy named Blake you want two kids you've always wanted to meet celebrities i said everyone looked at me wide eyed i know EVERYTHING from the time you were born to now i said but what your worried about is who will give you away because your dad died of lung Cancer when you were 18  your mom killed herself and left you everything i finished so is there any celebrity you want to walk you down the isle I asked just saying you cant tell me your dream dress changed ive had it put up somewhere i added looking at my nails she right Julie said it hasnt changed at all she added i can see if Lil Wayne can walk you or Kayne or 2Chainz your choice i said Wayne she said i pulled out my phone Daddy Wayne can you walk my bestfriend Julie down the isle please i asked yea of course babygirl I'll do anything you ask me he said is Uncle Birdman and Uncle Rick Ross going to come i asked yes he said Auntie Nicki i asked of course darling i heard her say thank you hug and kisses love you bye  i said love you too babygirl they all said back i hung up done i said will uncle Chris Brown be there rose asked yea so will uncle tyga i said daddy,uncle,auntie what hayes asked daddy is Wayne uncles alot of aunties Nicki all of young money will be there alot of my celebrity family i said so daddy said he would do it now you have to pick maid of honor and three bridesmaids i said your the maid of honor blade she said Nicki ,Ariana,Carrie will be the bridemaids she said they said ok i said Manny best man i asked Cole he said groomsmen Jason, Luke,Lucas he said rose is the flower girl Julie said i  made a few calls i got you a whole entire place i said food i asked home cooked meals she said dessert i asked fruit a fondue fountain and cheese cake and ice cream she said main course i asked BBQ she said drink i asked wine,Coke, water,lemonade she said still want that red velvet 4 layered cake with butter cream frosting she nodded her head yes music i asked R&B and Rap and Hip hop she said Now that my friends is how you set up a wedding in one hour i said the suits for the boys are at the house mine and rose and the bridesmaids are too i just have to get your dress fitted and we will be done i said all invites have been sent what day and time i asked December 1st 5:00 she said done i said everything is set i added i know who to come to for my wedding hayes muttered yea and if you think messing with sluts is getting you anywhere hayes your wrong i know how you want your wedding i said lookin at my phone i walk out to the hall y'all got that room ready i asked yes ma'am they said i pick up Julie who is carrying Blake take us to it fast i said we got there i laid Julie and Blake down gently  i sat down on cole and went to sleep today is may 16th two more weeks 

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