Chapter 68

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Blade's POV
I wake up an hour before the show i get up and im due today so yay i can pop these cuties out i shower and just use magic to get rid of unwanted hair i get out and change (outfit above) i walk out with my shoes Mikey i said yes Blade he asked can you put my shoes on i ask sitting down he nods and kneels and puts my shows on he finishes thanks Mikey i said you welcome he said walking off my dress is a lace fitted mermaid maternity dress so I can wear while I'm pregnant so yay i walk to the place damn 30 seconds before show time i walk in the dancers look at me and run over to see if im ok im fine guys i aint dying i said true they mumble now your on in 3...2..1. Go i said they run off knowing i was onto Justin your on Scooter said bestfwiend since you are due today can we show them Justin begged yea i said i waddle over to Pattie black smoke appears Lucifer i shake my head him and his dramatic entrances the smoke disappears leaving Lucifer's figure i should murder you for getting me pregnant i said you love me he said whatever i mumble he chuckles kissing my forehead Lucifer King if these babies dont come out I'm dancing them out i said he nods whatever you want he said ok i have a special treat for y'all Justin announced the crowd cheers that's my que babe i said Lucifer nods and lets me go COME OUT BLAKELEY he announced i waddle out on stage some dancers help he they shut off the lights so the beliebers can't see me dancers help me to Justin he hugs me the lights come back on the crowd goes fucking wild when they see me She's due today she's having twin boys he announced well i gotta zayn i have mama intuition i said walking off stage  ok so nobody freak out because my water just broke i said everyone goes wide eyed Lucifer runs to me and picks me up and flashes to the hospital we get there everyone gets to work but fast when they see me ok so your in labor the doctor said well duh i pissed myself im totally not in labor at all i said sarcasm dripping from my tongue like venom from a king cobra he laughs nervously put me down i said Lucifer puts me down i grab the doctors collar get me a fucking private room right fucking now i have two not one but TWO fucking kids that are ready to pop out my fucking vagina dancing if i don't have a damn room i will murder you and anyone in the damn way of me having my kids do you understand i growl lifting him off the ground by now Pattie, Scooter, and Justin and the whole crew are here along with my brother's and their friend's my gang and their dad's watching Rose, Jax,and Jazzy me cautiously the doctor clears his throat yes ma'am he said i set him down roughly he winced go i growl right away he said fumbling I SWEAR TO THE DAMN GODS IF YOU PEOPLE DON'T HURRY THE FUCK UP I BURNING THIS WHOLE DAMN PLACE TO THE DAMN GROUND i boom the ground shaking come this way a nurse said i follow her mumble kids these days a lady mumbled i snap her neck and keep walking well I'm glad I'm not the them Justin said fucking people can't hardly follw damn orders I'm not in the fucking mood for this shit months of fucking hormones are kicking in and I'm about to kill them i mutter angrily WE'RE HERE Julie yells dear lord what the hell took so long give me my godson i said she puts him down he runs waddles to me i pick him up BESTIE he squealed i kiss him all over his face he giggles they get me to the delivery room here take that off she said giving me a gown i slip it on and slid my dress off so no one gets flashed i keep holding Blake i give him to Manny and take off my bra and carefully get on the thing ok lets see if you reached 10 centimeters yet the nurse said another told everyone to wait outside i ignore the pain from the contractions I've been shot many times this is nothing i hear Evie and Alec and Alex outside ok your nine centimeters just one more centimeter she said we wait a few minutes ok ready to push she asked i nod ok 3...2..1.push she said i did these actions multiple times for at least one hour ok one more push we'll have baby one out she said i push real hard growling a bit i hear cries i breathe heavily ok just one more to go she said we go through it all again we went through 19 hours of birth names she asked Justin Lucifer King Jr and Dallas Alec King  i said Justin at 9 pounds and 16 ounces Dally at 8.9 pounds and 17 ounces identical twin boys born one minute a part she said they clean them off hand them to me Justin in a black blanket Dally in a red blanket they wheel us to a huge ass private room i get on the bed with the twins everyone enters does your vagina stretch Pattie asked bluntly yep it just tightens right back up though i said lucky Julie mumbled ok gross Hayes said I get up and lay the boys down the doctor comes in and slams the door shut my head snaps in his direction my eyes turn a extremely bright red and he slams against the wall I slowly turn back to my kids and finish what I was doing my eyes slowly turning back to their normal red and letting the doctor up from against the the door he breathes heavily ok so they're in perfect condition to leave tonight and you seem fine he said I know i said putting out my hand turning it slightly opening the door I make a come here motion and the door opens I flick my wrist and the doctor starts floating I throw him out the room close the door quietly and lock it no even looking I got you some clothes Pattie said ok I mutter it's about time I went to see Carrie White wonderful girl I just love how she burnt down everything in her path I absolutely hated her mother though Carrie venire a visitarmi I mutter a black smoke appears next to Hayes he jumps the smoke fades leaving Carrie behind hello Blade she said hey Carrie I said is Carrie as in Carrie White Hayes asked yes Hayes that is Carrie beautiful girl isn't she I said he nods she walks over and looks at the kids took after their mother she said you visited your town lately I ask just before you called still says Carrie White burns in hell when I don't burn but who cares Sue still puts white roses on it to I've scared a few teens by shooting my hand out of the ground which is funny she said ah its beautiful let's not forget how Christina and Billy died she added they did cover you in pigs blood I said true she said cute how she thought she could get away I said well I gotta go I'll see you in hell she said I'll see you in hell too I said she disappears ah the beauty of being Carrie and me I mutter babe she's different from you Lucifer said the only difference is she was pushed over the edge at 17 I jumped over it at least 13  I said OK baby he said I snap my fingers and my clothes change and the twins are dressed and a car seat big enough for both of them appear I put the kids in and flash home I get there I sniff I smell vampire and werewolf I only know one werewolf many vampires I walk in as everyone else arrives except Justin and them but yes my brother their friends and the gang and their dad's except Lucifer,Alec,Alex,and Evie they wanted me to have time with Justin and Dally  I see the Cullen's and Jacob they look at me I relax the boys come in I twitch slightly at how loud they are I flash the babies to their rooms locking windows they're sound asleep you prefer outside Esme asked please I said quietly we all go outside how are you Alice asked kissing my cheek manageable I said tense relax Blakeley Jasper said I look at the twins window and hiss I rush his side moving faster than Edward and he can move fast I enter the twins room I see Victoria I've always hated her I jump at her flying out the window pushing her into the ground what do you think your doing I hiss the Cullens show up Victoria she can strip you of immortality Rosalie said I remove Victoria's immortality and vampire abilities everything she's human now you will learn like every other person that has touched my kids I hiss in her ear ripping her head off standing up kicking it off to the normal wolves I start mumbling still feisty as ever Emmett said throwing his arm over my shoulder she probably has put a dent in the human population Alice teasingly replied I will rule this damn place i have more money than the damn government and anyone combined I mumble my eyes blazing with evil thanks Alice Edward said  I need a run I mutter taking off her scent is just so amazingly beautiful and lovely it's alluring Alice said as I run in a circle I stop when I hear something what's wrong Alice asked cliff I mumbled I took off its something I won't like yo wait up Emmett said she's in her zone Rosalie said they follow anyway they say I'm more graceful than Alice I don't believe that I grab a branch flip to the next I get to the highest peek of the tree squat and jump I float I spin I look southeast I land on the top of tree I snap my fingers I'm changed into a two piece bathing suit I bend the tree back I hop on and let it rockets me into the air I relax and soar across the sky I flip and dive perfectly into the water I swim fast I get to the next cliff I climb halfway and look around I see Cullens and Jacob watching in amusement I snap my fingers I dressed in black boots and black skinny jeans and a white shirt and a leather jacket I continue to climb the cliff I see a bear at the end off the cliff I speed past it the bear looks around I growl it looks around I jump at it aiming for the neck we fall over the cliff I suck the bear dry of blood and use it to push myself in the air I float hey Emmett I can walk on air I said walking around they laugh I get an evil idea I look around go up farther I flick my wrist a black flame appears I throw the fire at and enemy gang it catches everything on fire I smirk at the sound of the screams I flip back to my cliff I land hard and move as a piece falls oops I said innocently please who are you trying to fool Jacob asked I shrug OK whatever where's Bella and Renesmee I ask they'll- I cut him off never mind I can smell them I said counting down in my head 3...2..1. then Bella and Nessie are here Blakeley Renesmee cheered running to me we fly back good thing for me being half of almost everything we float how are she asked I'm wonderful my little monster I said uh your more of a monster than I she sassed is that so I hum yeah she said I chuckle your start to become more like your father I mumble how'd you become a vampire but your eyes are naturally red she asked I looked at Bella and Alice they were there they nod I take a breathe well you see it was long ago to me I said
I was 13 just talking to Alice when she say a vision it was of Bella then Edward your mother is very clumsy but this she did on purpose cliff diving when Alice thought she was dead but she wasn't Jacob saved her your mother recently had just gotten over your father after a while she soon realized that the only way to hear or see him was doing dangerous things so that's what she did Rosalie told Edward your mother was dead but she wasn't so Edward went to Italy thinking she was dead me your mother and Alice had to race against time to get there we got there Alice of course using her charm we got there me and Bella got out we ran I told her to go I'll detract guards and such I couldn't let her lose Edward like I did my parents and sister I refused so I did what I do best kill or be killed Edward can't read my mind or your mother's Alice had to be careful while being close around your mother stopped your father I stopped when they showed up Felix and them I always hated Jane stupid son of bitch we went to go see there master of course no one's power's except Jasper's worked on me and Bella but he wasn't there I was already irritated and when that fool thought he could be all happy and shit didn't help at all I got your mother ad Father and Alice out I told them to leave Bella alone so they turned me once they figured out I killed guards they expected me to wither in pain I've been through hell and back and refused to let a little pain fuck it up I walked out with blood and bites on me the receptionist gave me a robe we left after that they all asked what happened I didn't say anything I had to hide out for a while I was already supposed to marry Lucifer we got to forks and I slipped away as they reunited with everyone
(Flashback over)
I finish talking as I stare into Renesmee's eyes how many bites she whispered 14 I responded two from each one I added does it bother you she asked no I have twins with Lucifer now I said she gasped you want me to go get them I ask she nods I set her down and take off running I go to the twins room climb through the window I get them and take off running back to them I stop in front of Renesmee Dally I said handing her him wrapped in red blanket Rosalie takes Justin in the black blanket that's Justin I said Dally looks like you and Lucifer and Justin looks like just you Rosalie said the twins open their eyes Dally has black and Justin has  those eyes red mommy I hear Rose yell cliff I yell I hear feet I hear her  stop  and start again she appears she bumps into Emmett holy shit fuck he's made of damn titanium I think I lost some brain cells she said she shakes it off note to self never ever run into Emmett she mumbles walking to me stumbling a bit i'm throwing a party for you Alice said why I ask your birthday I missed yours and Rose's she said well I didn't get immortality when I was bite I still aged for some odd reason I sigh fine I mumble it tomorrow she said we'll be in forks I mumble dress up she said I sigh she goes all out for real ooo a reason to use the kitchen Esme said I nod we'll see you tomorrow they said taking off after handing me the twins i  put rose on my back and take off home putting the twins to bed and Rose and I go to sleep myself thinking of tomorrow

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