Chapter 74

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Blade's POV
Today the boys are officially 10 oh it sad they turned 10 sooner than we thought they look so handsome Justin Jr's eyes have a black goldish  tint now and Dally's are black like when he was born I get up out of bed I shower shave and wax I change (outfit above)my hair is still mid-ass so I put them in double dutch braids I walk out see Lucifer dressed in black pants a black shirt and black vans we go downstairs and sit me leaning against him I have to give the boys a hair cut the kids come running downstairs MOMMY TELL SISSY TO STOP BEING SO PROTECTIVE Dally yells oh just wait till his balls drop Lucifer mumbled I pinch him Dally that's her job I said I'm just trying to help Dal Rose said running behind he runs SHIT DALLY BE CAREFUL BEFORE YOU FALL she yells he falls faceplanting he starts crying my eyes widen Rose reaches him before I do damnit Dal I'm just trying to help you gotta let me help it my job as a big sister she said wiping his tears picking him up me and Lucifer let out a breathe Rose asked us when she turned 15 if she could take care of the boys like mother then to see if she'll be ready when the time comes and she's been doing great me and Lucifer have had to fight her instincts so she could have a chance I'm sorry I should have listen to you he said crying a bit it's ok just listen to sissy next time she said I want mommy he said she hands him to me my baby I said wiping his face I kiss his face all over he giggles I sit him in the chair time for haircut I said he cheers wiggling his little ass in the chair Justin Jr. comes running JUSTIN BABY PLEASE SLOW DOWN I yell he starts walking fast I breathe out I start on Dally first I finish pretty fast I help Justin Jr up and start with him he does the same thing Dally did when I told him what's going on I gave both of them the Cubstin hair cut they loved it because and I quote we look like uncle Justin they told me yea Justin is Chubstin he loves it though and the boys love their raven black hair they got from their father and my eyes are slowly starting to change color from red to a black goldish but they're changing babe your eyes are changing color Lucifer said I know I noticed that this morning Justin Jr's are doing the same thing I said you're still gorgeous no matter what he said kissing me I kiss back he chuckles as we pull apart I bite my lip he stares at my eyes they seem to be done changing he said I look at him what color I ask black he said I laugh Justin Jr. comes running in MOMMY MY EYES CHANGED COLOR he yelled me and Lucifer mine did too Jay now me,Daddy,Dally, you,and Rose have black eyes I said  he cheers Lucifer pulls me to him let me explain about Rose she went to sleep with green eyes and woke up with black part of having to do with her being with Death and me and Lucifer you want to know how Lucifer is her real father now they did a ceremony that I can't really explain but it bind them together as father and daughter they switched blood so yea it was funny because Rose was so scared of Lucifer's blood when he cut the palm of his hand before her she literally screamed and jumped into Death's arms when black blood came out of Lucifer's palm I giggled the whole time along with the boys before they were 10 Rose calmed down after a while and cut the palm of her hand they held their hands tightly together Rose was mumbling how it felt like a brick was slammed against her hand the released hands and well that's how it ended and the outcome was eye color change and hair color change and more defined features so yea we did the same between me and Rose she was absolutely terrified when my blood was black and red with little gold specks she screamed her head off  I leaned on Lucifer laughing so damn hard while Lucifer and Death tried to hold their laughter in anyway Lucifer kisses me out of no where I respond by kissing back we pull apart we've had sex last night and early this morning I puked when I got backup after round two ALEC I yell WHATY he yells WHERE YOU AT I yell MY OFFICE he yells he's halfway across the palace I flash to his office can you tell me if I'm pregnant or not I ask more kids he exclaimed I nod he gets quiet he motions me to come here I walk over to him he places his hands over my stomach his eyes get clouded he shifts his hands slightly he takes his hands away his eyes uncloud he looks at me who's ready to a mommy of four he said I laugh and hug him thanks I said no problem has said then I hear something Blakeley if you can hear me we're having a slight problem with Jax we don't know what's going on I hear Pattie say I flash to earth I run to Justin's I bust open the front door I run to the living room I see Jax and lord how mercy I feel so bad for him he's crying and he's looks really hot and he's sweating his skin is slightly red Ho bisogno il libro il libro di malattia, di sapere tutto quello che ho visto I chant in Italian a book pops tell me what you see the book said slightly red skin ,heavy sweating,temp of 102.3 I said everyone looks at me ah curse of a demons blood it seems a demon has bothered the poor child the child will be fine as long as you make the soup of health he shall  have one bowl and that will rid him of any sickness I hope my knowledge has served you well the book said and it disappears I clap my hands the ingredients for the soup of health the soup is too complicated to describe I move fast Jax's cries get louder I growl the whole house shakes I swear when I get my hands on that son of bitch demon that did this to him they'll wish they'd never died I growl moving faster I finish the soup I pour it in a medium sized bowl I walk over to Jax I sit the bowl down I pick him up where does it hurt I ask he cries and points weakly to his neck I nod I get the demon blood out of you soon ok baby I ask he nods I sit down holding him I feed him soon after a few spoonfuls he's drinking straight from the bowl I rub his back he finishes the bowl and let's out a loud burp I giggle I tickle him he laughs I took the blood away while tickling I stop he breathes death I said smoke appears damn shit fuck is all you here the smoke clears up and death is standing there shirtless I make a face oh sweet sugar honey ice tea Jazzy said staring at death with mouth hung open she starts mumbling to herself I laugh it's not funny she pouted then started mumbling about how she can not look at him Rose is her sister and that's mean she finally got herself together ok so who's demon blood test  this  I ask he looks at it you'll have to ask Hades he said then Hades appears shirtless hey I was working out he exclaimed HOLY SHIT Jazzy yells let me tell you to say I was shocked along with everyone it's rare for me to be shocked OMG I NEED TO GO PRAY she yells I bust out laughing my lord I'm so sorry she said I laugh even harder Jazzy you ok I ask OH NO I AM NOT OK DO DO YOU SEE THAT she yells gesturing toward Hades Justin looks shocked everyone except me,Pattie,Hades,and Death Jazzy looks like she's ready to have a mental breakdown she screams into a pillow I didn't even do anything Hades mumbled I laugh she's not used to it I said true he said Jazzy buries her fave into my side I'm staying right here she announces I rub her back Jazzy has a crush Jazzy has a crush Jazzy- Jax gets cut off by a pillow hitting him shut up you peanut looking turkey eating potato Jazzy growls wow that's a new one Hades said oh that's Travis' blood he adds pain all the pain you can give make him feel I said death nods and disappears  are they gone Jazzy asked one is I said which one she asked she peeks and shakes her head nope nah I'm staying right here she said Hades pinches her side slightly she squeals and giggles  he does it again they do this for thirty minutes Hades finally leaves I hug everyone and leave back home to Lucifer I'll figure a way to tell him I am pregnant later I changed crawled in bed and go to sleep.

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