11: Catfight

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Ava's POV

I don't think there is anything more frustrating than sitting on a table beside your... well... supposed... to-be-one night stand-or-slash-probable boyfriend-slash-hot man and across his oh-so-very obvious ex-girlfriend, who is so very clearly hung up on him and is throwing me daggers with her eyes while stabbing at her plate. After my fiasco with Carla, Vincent- the  mysterious stranger with panty-ripping voice suggested that we have lunch together. Apparently I slept through the entire breakfast. Charming, aren't I ? So here we are back to the present where Evan looks like he wants the ground to swallow him up, Vincent looks like he is having the time of his life, Lucifer is very delusionaly oblivious  and I however... well I am trying to save my feet from the attacks of Carla's very innocent heels against my bare feet. Yes people she reduced to this. 

Rest aside I think that Vincent looks a wee-bit familiar to me. Not in the I-have-met-him-before kind of way but the I-might-have-read-his-name-in-a-magazine kind of way.

"So Ava... tell us something about yourself."

Again? Have I not already mentioned that this is the worst question in the entire universe?

"Oh... She is an engineering major and she works as my assistant" Lucifer answers for me and gives Vincent a sickly sweet smile which makes even me gag. Vincent gives an equal sweet smile in return and asks," So... Ava... Have you meet our cousin Gabriel ?" I choke on my water at that. I cough severely for several minutes all the whole Lucifer is gently patting my back and offering me little sipsof water. Once I settle down I look at him questionably only to find him looking at Vincent menancingly.

And what the fuck is this crap about cousin ? 'Our cousin' ? Wasn't Lucifer supposed to be an orphan ? Gabriel ?  How is he involved ?

"Gabriel... as in the guy...." But I am once more cut off by Lucifer.

"Yes she has"

"Well, Ava how do you like him ?" He keeps pushing.

"He is a nice guy. Funny. Polite..." I reply but Lucifer scoffs cutting me off. "Yeah right"

"Lucifer..." I whisper tell at him even though I know everyone can hear us. He is acting very rude and embarassing me.

"Your choice must be really sicken if you think Gabriel is polite" Carla inputs something for the first time since the Lunch started.

"My choice ?" I ask tauntingly. When I get the desires reaction I know I have hit the spot. I mean afterall Lucifer is kinda- sorta my choice. Right ?

"You Bitch.... you think you are so smart and you think you can be the one to 'tame the beast' well girl.... wake the fuck up and face reality. This is not a fairytale so you should go back to wherever it is you came from and leave us alone. You do not belong in this world" she states smugly.

"Well bitch... I don't know what you are talking about and quite frankly I do not even care. I am a big girl and I am more than capable of taking care of myself. As long as Lucifer is concerned I am sure he as very high profile lawyers and doesn't need you to speak for him... Right baby ?" I say and put my hand on his bicep dragging it down. But only reading it do I take a good look at his face.

He looks menancing. Like he could kill someone and not regret it. He is gripping his form very tightly and is looking at Carla with such intensity and hatred. "Leave". Only one word spoken. No more needed. Everyone in the room caught into his mood and the atmosphere and smartly dropped their cutlery too. I take my hand off of his arm and it is replaced by Vincent's.

"Calm Down" he speaks lowly. But it doesn't affect Lucifer. He grows even more angry. "I said fucking leave !" He abruptly gets up and the chair falls down from the impact. I get up and step back startled. I gasp as his hand immediately shoots out and catches my wrist pulling me roughly to his chest, his chin on the crown of my head. He takes a long drag as if sniffing my head. His arm is like steel around my upper waist holding me in place. I can't move.

"Evan... I said leave. And do me a favour and take your pathetic excuse of a wife with you. If I ever see her again I will not be responsible for my actions." He says above me. His words so chilling they have me shivering involuntarily.

"Calm Down, brother" Vincent's voice is heard which raises even more questions for me.

Brother ? Wasn't Lucifer supposed to be an orphan ? What the fuck is going on ?

After a while the sound of front door slamming is heard and I try again to step back and separate myself from Lucifer but am yet again unsuccessful. As his arms pills me back to him. But this time he looks down at me his eyes indecipherable.

"Where do you think you are going ?" He asks me. A little warmth returning in his voice along with what I can guessis amusement. I clear my throat, "I really really have to pee" I whisper. And sniff loudly through my nose since the food was a little spicy.

"Okay" he replies and I skip to the bathroom. After doing my business, I take a few seconds to get my head straight.

What was Carla talking about ? And what is this about Gabriel ? What about Vincent calling Lucifer 'brother' ? What is going on ?

But despite above all. There is still a problem that lingers in my mind and can not be ignored is Emily. She is gonna have a cow when I show up. We have this rule tagt whenever somone is sleeping over or sleeping out we inform beforehand. Now I really hadn't need to use that rule before since neither of us has had a sleepover or a sleepout.

The door opens and Lucifer stands there with his arms crossed on his chest and meaning on the doorway on the right side he is regarding me carefully. "What are you doing ?"

"Thinking of ways to meet Emily today without getting physically harmed." Not the entire lie. Right ?

His lips twitch, "And did you think of something ?" I just did.

"Does Vincent have a girlfriend ?"

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