12: You're Mine

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Ava's POV

"Where were you ?" Those dreadful three words. Spoke so menacingly that could have Hitler shying away in his pants. Those eyes so full of emotion and anger. And I... was in the receiving and of it all. Genius.

"Well...." -I give a little laugh- "Funny story, really" -another laugh.

"Uh huh. I have all the time in the world babe" Emily bites out.

Mission Abort. Mission Abort. Back up plan in action now.

"There is someone I want you to meet, Emily" I say cheerfully. And do a little skip while standing.

"Hello" we both turn out heads towards the source of voice and find Vincent standing there. His voice undoubtedly must've caught Emily's attention. She has a thing for guys with deep voices.

"Emily this is Vincent. Vincent- Emily" I introduce. I should be a Cupid. I mean really. I didn't just set them up but I also saved myself from 'Emily's Wrath'. I peek at Emily to find her looking at Vincent like he is the last cheesecake in earth and needs to be devoured immediately. I look at Vincent and find him looking at Emily like she is the first female he had seen in his entire life. Kind of like Tarzan. I then return my eyes to Lucifer who is watchin the exchange amused and give him that 'sexy lip lick' along with a wink. He looks a little shocked at me and then throws his head back and laughs.

Oh well. Oh well. Would you look at that ? We were both too engrossed in each other to realise that Vincent and Emily are already inside the apartment. And they have closed the door. On us still standing in the hallway. Well... I can't really complain since I have been saved from her. I turn to Lucifer an he says, "Let's go, babe. That door is not going to open any time soon."

I take a week breath. He is right. Knowing Emily, if it was in her hands she's do the dirty today itself. But Vincent seems like the gentleman type guy. "Fine. But we need to talk" I say in all seriousness.

"Alright" he sounds defeated.

The cafe we arrive at is very silent. There are not many people here and the waitress looks like she has better things to do. Just a family on the far end corner and another guy a table down from the family. Me and Lucifer settle on a table in the complete opposite direction of the family.

"Do you want something ?" He asks me.

"Simple coffee without milk with a mini blueberry tart" I reply back.

"Alright" he says and goes upto the counter to order since the service here seems to suck ass. After a couple moments he comes back with my tart and coffee mug in one hand while another huge mug in another. "What do you wanna talk about ?"

"Let's start with us... Lucifer... what are we ?" No point beating around the bush.

"Whatever you want us to be"-typical guy answer- "But we will not see other people"

"What ? You don't get to decide that." I retort angry.

"Yes I do, babe. You are mine. So no other men for you. We are what we are and I don't care if you call this a relationship but no other people. I mean it" he says. We are going nowhere with this.

"Or what ? You think you can play me and order me to not see other men ? I am not some girl to be played. So listen well Mr. Knight, I. Will. Not. Tolerate. You. Seeing other women. While stringing me. Along." I reply back emphasizing on certain points. "I know your reputation and I am not willing to be another notch on your already king sized bed post. If that is what is happening here you think then we better end this here. I am not looking for some casual fling" I clarify.

"Ava, I am a very possessive man and I don't do well with threats regarding my woman. So listen here and listen well. I know I have a reputation but I am willing to do this with you. The right way. And for that I will not be made a fool of. We are doing this and you will listen to me. I am not playing you not do I have any intention of so you can just forget that"

"You're bossy, aren't you?" I ask.

"Yes, I am"

"I don't do well with orders"

"I have noticed"

"If we are doing this then you can't always boss me around. Few times is fine. All the time.. well.. it's not gonna work"

"You're fine with me ordering you around in bed ?" I blush deep read at his question. "I need to know babe..." He says a little irritably and in a little amusement. He is enjoying this.

"A little" I whisper lowly.

"I will take that as a 'yes' " He cuts me smugly. I swear this guy.... "So are we done here... or... so you have anything else you want to talk about ?"

"Actually I want you to talk me about your head with Gabriel" I reply back.

"What about it ?" His eyes visibly darken. But playing the 'she might know she might not know' game with me isn't gonna land you anywhere.

"I know what I heard, alright ?" I snap.

"Ava...." He sighs out like he is tired.

"Lucifer, I know you were an orphan. How can you have brothers ? And from what I heard Gabriel and Vincent both are your brother. So either the public records are lying or you three just had the biggest coincidence and let each other. Which one is it ?"

"Ava... there are some things you better not know."

"I am not going into this relationship blind, okay ? I need to know so that I can trust you"

"Not now" he bites out irritably. He is trying to control his anger now.

"Then when ?"

"When you are ready"

"And I am not ready now ?"


"Ugh... Lucifer.... What is so secretive that you can't tell me now"

"You said it. It's important and shouldn't be know by many. It's not good for your life. If I want to keep you alive I will have to tell you when you are ready"


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