Reaction to the silent treatment

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Karkat: pester the fuck out of you til you snap
Aradia: try and get you to talk about it while showering you in affection
Tavros: either cry or try and ask what was bothering you
Sollux: do the same and go off to code ((he's not very kind...))
Nepeta: cry and go to one of her friends or role-play
Kanaya: stare at you and every so often say something
Terezi: argue how this isn't a nice form of Justice
Vriska: complain to someone on trollian
Equius: ask Kanaya for advice
Gamzee: drink sopor
Eridan: cry and get drunk
Feferi: pout and beg to find out what's wrong
John: give you space
Rose: start knitting you something soft
Jade: comb and/or braid your hair
Dave: sing for you
Kankri: try not to bother you and make you food
Damara: give you the silent treatment back
Rufioh: apologize
Mituna: cry and beg for forgiveness
Muelin: sign with you since that doesn't count as speaking
Porrim: drink some wine
Latula: go skate and give you some space
Areana: hold you hands and kindly apologize
Horuss: offer to play your favorite game
Kurlos: take off his make up and sit in his recoopercoon
Cronus: go out for a smoke to calm down
Meenah: go spear fishing
Jane: bake you a cake
Roxy: offer you a drink
Jake: massage your back
Dirk: make you a robot dog

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