Chapter 2

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I changed the first chapter on Nov.28, 2011


-2- Departure

White light glared down at me when I opened my eyes. I blinked and moved my hand to rub the sleep out of them but stopped abruptly due to the pain it caused to jolt through my arm. As my mind cleared I took in my surroundings moving as little as possible. I was in the mini hospital inside the palace where guards, savants and apparently royals were brought instead of to the giant hospital in the city of Calim, Reim’s capitol.

After a few minutes I summoned the will power to sit up, grimacing as electric pain shot through me. For what seemed like hours I just sat on the bed staring at the sterile white walls. Then Memories of last night hit me like a literal slap across the face. Simon! What happened to Simon and the man who attacked us?

Then I realized he had probably gotten away because dad couldn’t have him getting caught. I knew he had been hired to kill me for dad. He would have succeeded too if Simon hadn’t gotten in the way.

I shivered, Simon had gotten in the way, he was injured and it was my fault. What would dad do to him since he messed up the plan? It would look suspicious if he died from the injuries he got because in reality they were nowhere near life-threatening. But I had a feeling that wouldn’t stop dad from making sure he didn’t interrupt again.

I needed to find him.

Swinging my feet over the edge of the bed I waited for the dizziness to fade before testing my balance on the floor. Then, satisfied, I began taking shaky steps towards the curtains that separated the beds.

I searched until my legs were ready to give out on me. Just as I pulled back the last curtain to reveal an empty bed I finally collapsed on the cold tile.

“Oh my! My Lord you should be in bed,” a nurse hurried over to me and helped me hobble back to my bed. Then she did a few checks and scolding me for being out of bed before turning to leave. I reached out and grabbed her wrist.

“Where’s Simon?” I asked feeling helpless.

She glanced around nervously. Her eyes darted in all directions a few times then settled on mine. “He’s downstairs, My Lord,” she whispered before running out the door.

I stared after her. What did she mean downstairs? We were on the bottom floor of the palace; there was no downstairs… unless she meant… the dungeon. Ignoring the lecture she’d just given me I leapt out of bed and snuck out of the hospital.

In my boxers and gown I walked toward the locked and guarded door at the end of the hall. The two giant men in charge of the door regarded me with careful questioning eyes. But didn’t protest when I walked right passed them and unlocked the door. As soon as said door was shut again I heard footsteps running down the hall, probably to get dad.

Taking the hint I ran down into the damp, dark and straight hall of filthy cells. The people in them looked just as bad as the rest of this place. I didn’t make eye contact with any of them as I scanned for Simon, although some disgusting perverts made a few unnecessary noises at me.

 At the end of the hall is where the spirits were held; a few water, metal and a bunch of fire but only one air spirit. They all wore Spirit Master collars on their necks, which glowed a pale blue and hummed with energy.

Simon sat at the front of his cell with his head pressed against the bars; the opposite of everyone else. His eyes gold eyes looked pale and sickly in the dim light and his skin seemed dangerously pale in the glow of the collar. His normally confident and perfect posture was slumped and somber. It tore at my heart to see him like this. Was this what dad was going to do, keep him locked up?

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