Soul Ringer 7

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-7- The Stage

Nightmares plagued my unconscious mind as I tried to push them away; tried to sleep and loose myself in the darkness around me. The images wouldn’t have it. They swirled around in torturing storms, ripping at my consciousness, while pulling me deeper under. Through the thick veil over my brain I was vaguely aware of my body shaking uncontrollably.

“Raymm…” a voice I couldn’t place echoed down to me from somewhere above. “Raymm,”it  said clearer this time.

I rolled over, blocking out the light closing in on me. I just wanted to sleep.

“Raymm! Get your lazy ass out of bed! You’re not done for the day,” Jay yelled at me, shattering any attempt at sleep left in my system.

I shot out of bed, my spinning wildly, yet absolutely numb. I couldn’t form a logical thought, let alone sentence if it killed me. By instinct, though, I knew I needed that bucket again. I emptied my already empty stomach and sat back unsteadily as Jay winced in disgust.

“Are you feeling alright?” her words only rebounded off my head before I had a chance to comprehend them. “Umm… Raymm?” She edged a little closer and kneeled down beside me. She sighed, “I’ll get ya some water.”

Water was the only word that registered. Raffin was a  water spirit. I felt even dizzier when I pictured his face. He would’ve killed me right then and there if I hadn’t moved. No question about it.

 “No, I’m fine. Don’t worry about it,” I said coolly with a small smile playing across my lips. She eyed me but turned and left a moment later and didn’t return.

I sat in the dim room for a couple hours, forcing my eyes to accept the words written on the papers, which had still been here even though I wished they’d just disappear. Deep in the back of my mind I knew there was no way I was reciting this to the audience tonight. No way was this going to get the support Jay wanted. Then again, I was a terrible public speaker.

Giving up, I threw the papers back on the floor and settled into the cushion, wishing Simon was here. He was brilliant in front of huge crowds, although that was pretty average for air spirits.

I forced all the dark memories from today into a tiny, blank space in my mind and refused to set them free of their new prison. Even locked back there they raked their claws against the walls of my consciousness as I let sleep take over. My little nap was undisturbed for the first time in a while.

What I guessed was three or so hours later, I opened my eyes to a beaming Jay standing over me.

I jumped up startled at the closeness of her face and her chest brushing against my arm. She pulled back, surprised as well, displaying a mischievous grin and twinkle in her eyes. “Did ya have a nice nap?” Instantly the normal Jay was back.

“Y-yeah. It time all ready?” I asked glancing around casually. I didn’t meet her eyes as they bored down on my face.

“It was time a few minutes ago, but I thought I’d be nice and let you get a bit more beauty sleep.” Her face lit up with excitement as she spoke like we were kids about to go to some big party.

She wrapped her hands around my arm and hauled me up with amazing strength. I wasn’t expecting to be on my feet so fast and stumbled to the side. She just steadied me again and smiled when I met her eyes.

I forced a smile onto my face and thanked her as she dragged me out of the tent. I was still dressed in my assassin’s uniform because I’d been too lazy to change. So we were able to leave the Underground as soon as I emerged from the tent. This time Jay led the way. We wove through the market, then up the stairs and through the door.

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