Descent Into Madness

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The Joker's Perspective:

I knock on the door of the 'Smiles and Skies' nightclub, stupid and ironic name for a nightclub but my hired professional told me this is where I'd find her.

No reply. Rude, they didn't open the door for me, after all it was my party. Who doesn't invite someone to their own party?

I open the door.

There she is. Remind me to kill my hired professional later, they were way too accurate when they said that she'd be here.

"Mistah J?" Harley asked, squinting to see if her psycho boyfriend really did just walk into this building.

And yet, here I was.

"It's rude you didn't invite me, you know I love parties. Especially when the bat is invited. Come to think of it...why was the bat invited and not me?" I asked suspiciously.

Harley attempted to run at me at full force, but Batman held her back. I expected her to be angry, but yet I'm not the villain right now.

"I'm assuming you're the one who's been tormenting me and...Catwoman with your god awful poems?" I said, pulling my revolver from the holster and raising it towards Max's head. "I don't like being made a fool. Why tell a joke if everyone's in on the joke? And if you don't understand the joke then are the fool and not me."

"Joker...why are you here?" Batman asked.

No surprise he'd want to interrogate me for turning up here unannounced, but I didn't have to explain myself to him.

And I wasn't going to.

"To bring some FUN to this party!" I shouted, pulling the trigger and shooting 'Maxwell Wright' straight in the head.

The bullet travelled through his skull and killed him instantly.

Batman looked at me, I wasn't sure if he wanted to kill me or thrash the living daylight out of me for what I just did.

His reasoning was beyond me, I saw an asshole and I killed him. Simple.

"He's...dead?....But that's...that's impossible. XOS made him invincible." Ivy said slowly, she was confused.

"The effect of the chemical wore off, it seems." Selina stated.

"That doesn't excuse what you just did..." Batman said angrily.

"Whatever, I came here for Harley. You know...I actually preferred it when you didn't bring hundreds of cops here, made my entrance more pleasurable maybe but someone has to clean the mess up outside now." I said, laughing.

The cops raised their guns at me. Unbelievable...

"You should've seen the mess at my place that this idiot made. That was way worse." I said, pointing at the dead body of Maxwell Wright.

"I gotta know...why did ya come and find me? You left me ta die you good fer nothin' pale-faced creep! I'm gonna hurt you so bad an' then you'll just lie there an' jus' die like you left me ta do!" Harley said angrily.

"Harley, one thing at a time..." Ivy said, placing her hand on Harley's shoulder.

"Remember what I said, J? Play nicely together." Selina added.

"Yeah yeah...but if I were you, I'd lower your weapons. Right about now."

The power blacked out.

My laughter echoed in the darkness.

Bullets were fired, many bullets. Not sure who or what they were trying to hit, but I knew they ended up killing each other. All of the police officers were now dead. How could I see? I stole some night-vision gadget from the bat.

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