Time To Reschedule

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"This is an important announcement, would inmate 72 please come to my office immediately." the announcer's voice...it sounded like Mistah J.

Could it have been?

I managed to walk away from the guards without them noticing I was gone, I trudged up the stairs until I finally reached the office door.

I opened the door.

"Hello, my dear. Please, do come in." the voice said.

It was Mistah J!

"Puddin?" I asked nervously.

"It wasn't easy, but I managed to make it out of death row and kill all of the guards and the head of this facility! Are you impressed? You should be" he explained. "I think we could exact some revenge on those responsible for locking us up, don't you?" he asked angrily.

"Why bother? We could just escape and be together"

"You don't think they wouldn't try and arrest us again? So long as they're breathing, they can and will find us. They always do." he said seriously. "The only way we can assume we're safe is to kill everyone in this place."

"They have guns" I commented.

"So do we" he said, throwing a large duffle bag onto the desk full of weapons and ammunition. "If you're wondering how I got it all, ask Selina. She's good with that sort of stuff." he said, looking to his left. Selina was leaning against the wall, looking at her fingers.

"Harley, about time you showed up, J and I were just talking about you." Selina said. "No cell can keep a cat locked up for long, I soon found a way out."

"Now, Harley...you haven't exactly been honest with me...have you?" he asked suspiciously, looking at me with piercing anger.

"Wh...what are you talking about, puddin? I'm always honest with you!" I explained nervously.

"I'd love to trust you, but unfortunately I don't have much trust for liars."

"What are ya talking about?"

"You brought these guards to my place. Your involvement with them is obvious, they wanted to speak with you, they gave you a nice cell, treated you with respect and didn't even force you into a medical examination." he lifted up his shirt and showed the scar on his chest. "They hurt me, Harley. They were certain I had traces of XOS inside of me so they tried to find it. I assured them the XOS was destroyed during the explosion at Arkham, yet they insisted in checking anyway. I don't like doctors, I've told you this enough times now, and yet I feel you're hiding something from me. You have said something? Done something?"

"No, I have no idea why they would do that to you! I don't know why you wouldn't trust me, I'm telling you the truth, puddin." I said nervously.

"You weren't sentenced to death row, were you going to rescue me...or did you assume I was going to rescue myself? Or did you do nothing because you wanted me dead?"

"I was trying to breakout and rescue you, Mistah J. It didn't exactly go to plan though."

"Was it all part of your master plan for revenge against me?" he asked, opening a draw in the desk and getting out my file. "Harleen Quinzel, doctor at Arkham Asylum until official transfer to Blackgate Psychiatric Facility five years ago. On your criminal record, you have been registered and associated with a 'Task Force X' several months ago where you joined forces with other inmates and armed guards similar to those patrolling this facility." he read out the details, got up from the office chair and threw the file angrily towards me. "So explain to me how you aren't lying? Even the cat wants to scratch you!"

"Puddin...I...I can explain, I...I was put on death row too." I started explaining, sighing. "I was sentenced to death and the only way out of it was to volunteer myself to risk my life in dangerous operations to infiltrate, kill, steal, rescue or go undercover in missions destined to kill any ordinary person. We were assembled as a type of 'Suicide Squad' because...well, we were effectively committing suicide by going on these missions to save our own skins." I swallowed nervously at his impending reaction. "I haven't heard from any of the members of the squad for months...but yes...this transfer to Blackgate probably has something to do with me. I'm sorry." I said sadly, looking down at the floor.

"And why am I involved in this?" Joker asked angrily.

"You were recruited too, but you weren't there when we were on our first mission."

"Because I was busy saving your ass! Remember, at that auction? You couldn't have seriously gotten out of that without me. And you know it" he perched on the desk and just looked at me.

"I...I know you must be angry, but we were told that if we ever spoke about it then...well, the squad would have one less member. Betraying Rick Flag... it's a death sentence in itself." I finished explaining.

"And so is betraying me." Mistah J wasn't happy with me, his facial expression made that explicitly clear. He picked up an assault rifle from the bag and usedit to smash the large window in the office. "You lied to me, do you know how that makes me feel?" he had his back to me and clearly didn't want to look me in the eyes.

"What was I meant ta do? I couldn't say anything. I couldn't do anything to prevent myself from dying other than joining those other criminals. It would've been better if you were there too though. I missed you" I tried to apologize but his silent treatment was so powerful it felt like he was physically throwing me out of that window.

"Hmph" he groaned. "What am I going to do with you?" he asked, turning around. "I feel I've been far too nice and forgiving, maybe I should remind you of your time in Arkham? That was so much fun wasn't it? Maybe I'll make you relive those memories every single living moment you have, then you'll know how I feel about you lying to me." He reminded me of my past and threatened to make me relive it...what a horrible threat, that wasn't even a threat...that was worse than a threat.

I stood there, watching his mind think of a punishment which was suitable for me.

"Puddin...I-" I started

Mistah J interrupted me "I won't be responsible for my actions, just go. Get out of my sight." he turned his back to me angrily. Selina also gave me a disapproving look.

Did I...did I just lose Mistah J? My devastated face said it all, as I went to open the door I felt a large urge to clear things up with him. I couldn't leave it like this, it wasn't right.

"I'm sorry, please...don't do this" I said sadly.

"Don't make me tell you again, just go." he said, half angrily and half sadly.

I think he was more surprised at my forced heroism rather than me lying to him, if he was angry enough to do something drastic...he would've killed me. This...was effectively worse because he has now given me guilt and the cold shoulder. I have a feeling I wouldn't be able to love my puddin anymore. He wouldn't love me anymore, he wouldn't even want to waste his time trying to kill me anymore. He wants to be left alone...maybe he'll reconsider what he's done to me and then compare it to what I've said. It wasn't my fault, I didn't ask to become part of this strike-force, I didn't have a choice. Though, back at Arkham when he left me there to die...Mistah J had the choice...and he left me there. He left me there to die.

If anything, I should be the one angry at him...not the other way round.

I walked out of the door and closed it behind me, slowly and quietly. His silence, his look, his words. They will play on my mind forever.

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