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Maci's outfit
Maci's pov
Klay had been really down on himself and quite. He wasn't being himself he was blaming the game in him.... So was everyone else. It was no ones fault Kylie just shot a good shot at the end... Nothing we could've done. Dubs will be back that's a promise. There is no stoping them. They'll out in work and ensure another great season. Dubs never stop and never will. I walk downstairs to see a blank staring at the wall Klay. I make him get up and take a shower bc today I was taking his butt out for the day. I throw on my 37 points in one quarter shirt, leggings, and my dubs shoes. While I made Klay take a shower I drab him a random outfit consisting of a Draymod shirt, Gregg sweatpants, and a pair of klays sneakers:

 While I made Klay take a shower I drab him a random outfit consisting of a Draymod shirt, Gregg sweatpants, and a pair of klays sneakers:

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He finishes I throw the outfit at him and he puts it on. We head out to IHOP for breakfast. We order I ask Klay why he's been acting so strange it's just a game and he didn't need to blame it on himself there's nothing he could do he gave it his all and you played really good. Kyrie honestly like I said before just got lucky and hit that last shot but Cleveland Out hustle us a little bit and they deserve the win and will be back next year. Klay responds with yeah I know but only if we could just go back and do this right. I cut him off Klay guys guys played good, just need a little more effort but no need to hang out head now let's go we're going to watch central intelligence. He sighs okay. We arrive and watch the movie ands it's funny asf. We leave with a Klay that's in a better mood so we head to the mall and shop. I go to finish line to get some more golden state gear. We order Chinese and head home for a arrested development marathon on Netflix. I cuddle up in the chair with Rocco while Klay is on the couch. He comes over and sits on top of me. I'm not moving until you agree to cuddle on the couch with me. How can I object to that I say laughing not get tf up. I grab Rocco tho and bring him over bc he's like my best friend. Klay jokes I think you like my dog more than you like me. I chuckle saying that's very possible. Klay and I look into to each other's eyes... Your beautiful you know that he says with me sitting on top of him your not to bad yourself I say back causing me to lean in for a kiss.... A kiss that turned into a Make out session..... A make out session that turned into sex..... And sex that my poor best dog friend had to witness but Mann Klay was great.

Guys I have basketball camp for 3 days so o won't be writing but I hope, your enjoying.... More drama to come
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