Geek to Chic Chapter 18

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*Friday after school and detention

On the way to school today, I didn't say one word, it was Adam that was doing all the talking, mostly about where we are going and what time he's picking me up. I found out we are going to the park at 5pm, and no it's not the park where I found out the boy I liked was gay, it's a different park. 

I finally finished getting ready and  now I'm just waiting for him to arrive at my house. To be honest, i'm not really excited about today, I just can't wait for him to tell me he loves Michaela so I can finally have an excuse to move on, as painful as it will be, I know it's the right decision. 

I just heard a knock on the door, oh brilliant my dad has just answered it and it sounds like he's giving him the 'talk', I better get down there fast before I die of embarrassment.

"Dad please stop embarrassing me" I plead as i'm walking down the stairs in a rush to get out the house and get this torture over and done with.

"Hey, you look...amazing!" Adam said looking me up and down.

"Thanks" I say blushing, yeah he still has that effect on me.

I grab my house keys and say goodbye to my parents and shut the door behind me and begin to walk in the direction of the park. I take deep breathes trying to keep myself calm about the whole situation. Because today is the day  he is going to give me the news that will break my heart.

We finally arrive at the park after around 10 minutes of awkward silence, this park is beautiful, theres a few willow trees dotted around the place and there's a cute little pond with fish swimming around in it. Me and Adam head towards the bench thats a few feet away from the pond.

"Aubrey what's wrong, you haven't said a word to me all day?" He says sounding hurt by the fact I've blanked him all day.

"Nothing" I say bluntly.

"Come on, there's obviously something wrong, have I done something to upset you?" He asks, his voice cracking in the middle of his sentence.

I turn to face him, yeah I feel terrible treating him this way, he means the world to me, that's why I'm doing this so he doesn't have to break my heart.

"Adam I don't want to see you anymore, I know you love Michaela and I think it's extremely out of order that you had the nerve to pull me aside today to just break my heart" I say getting up off of the park bench.

"Wait Aubrey, what are you talking about, I don't love Michaela, I love you!" He shouts accross the park.

Great now everyone's looking. 

I turn around to see him running up to me. "Please don't take the piss Adam, I feel stupid as it is already, don't go making me get my hopes up." I say on the verge of crying.

"I'm not taking the piss Aubrey, I love you, I don't know why you don't believe me" He says begging for me to believe him.

"Adam, you and I both know damn well that you love Michaela more than you'll love any other human being and it's only right that you two end up together, otherwise it won't be fair on me or on you." I say about to turn away, but before I can he grabs my arm and slams his lips on to mine.

Both are lips are moving in sync with eachother, but because I've never kissed a boy before, when I feel his tongue slip into my mouth, I panic and pull away.

"What's wrong? Didn't you like it?" He asks looking curious.

"No, no, I just, I have never kissed a boy before" I say embarrassed.

He looks shocked, "Are you serious, a beautiful girl like you has never kissed a boy before?" He asks in disbelief.

"Well everyone always thought I was a freak, and they never really got to know me for who I really was, they only listened to the rumours they heard about me, which I would like to say were not true" I say admitting that embarrassing story to him.

"Well I'm glad they didn't get to know you, otherwise I wouldn't be your boyfriend right now" he says smiling at me.

"What? Y-you mean, I'm your girlfriend?" I ask in complete and utter shock.

"Well yes, I'm pretty sure that's how it works out" he said laughing.

"Wow" I say, still shocked from what just happened.

He leans in again and continues to kiss me, this time, it's more passionate and the moment is getting heated fast.

I pull away and pull him in the direction of my house, we end up running the whole way there because we need to feel eachothers lips against one anothers, soon!

Yes! Phew, my parents are in bed. I pull him into my room and push him down onto the bed and tug his shirt off over his head. I kiss down his torso down to the top of his trousers. He ends up laying on top of me this time and kisses me all down my neck and on my lips. Just as he's about to take my t-shirt off, my mum walks in.

Talk about the most embarrassing moment of my life!

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry" she says covering her eyes.

"MUM!" I shout embarrassed.

Adam is just sitting up putting his shirt back on, covering up his pefect torso.

"I think I had better leave now, it was nice meeting you Mrs Hemmings" he says rushing past her and waving goodbye to me.

"Mum I can't believe you just did that!" I said getting up off of my bed.

"I said I was sorry, what more can I do?" She says, genuinely sorry.

"Okay whatever, just please get out of my room and forget this ever hapened" I say hoping she won't tell dad.

"Okay sweetie, goodnight" She says kissing me on the forehead.

"Night mum" I say, a hint of annoyance in my voice.

Once my mum leaves the room, I get ready for bed and turn my light off, I can't wait to tell my therapist and Georgie about my new boyfriend!

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