Notes of Chapter Four

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Hi guys so I just thought I would right a few sentence of Chapter four because its confusing and I just hope you get a better idea of that chapter... Thanks 

Message me if you want to know more :)



So the main thing is why did Isabelle kill Mrs Henry?

- Honestly, I only brought Mrs Henry into my story to kill her off basically that is it. Mrs Henry was never going to be part of this story longer then 2/3 chapters. Why? Because Mrs Henry isn't exactly a main character of this story, she didn't really have any back story on her, nothing I could really explain in a chapter just about her. It's like them characters in books that are completely useless and have nothing to do, Mrs Henry wasn't important and trying to write about a character that I have no idea what to write about it exceptionally hard! hahaha.

Who is Martha and why is she in this story?

-Martha is just like Mrs Henry, she's just another character who I couldn't really carry on. That's why further on into the story I hardly spoke about Martha. She was just like a little filler to make the chapter a little longer to be honest. 

Why did I write the killing scene with Isabelle and Mrs Henry like I did?

- I'm honestly going to say this, but I'm most probably one of the worst people to write a death scene and anything like that. I can write to a certain extent but it just ends up lame you know... I did like writing the chapter about her killing Mrs Henry but I could of made it more dramatic maybe like something more gruesome but then like I said before I can't write a good dramatic chapter but I did try... 

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