Chapter 1

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Chapter 1| Toni's POV

"I love you, I love you.. Drive me crazy." I sing which causes the crowd to go ballistic. I smile while scrunching my nose up. "Thinkin' bout you baby, yeah." I finish before taking a bow.

"I love you Atlanta!" I yell before walking off of the stage.

"Good job T." My niece Ashlee says. "Thank you!" I say as I make my way towards my dressing room.

"Yeah, you did great Tone." I stop in my tracks as I hear the voice of someone who I missed and loved dearly.

"Ken?" I say. He smiles as he walks up to me, pulling me into a hug. "How are you?" I question as I pull back from the hug. "Good, good.. how have you been?" He questions. "Some days are better than others." I say. He nods, "I'm going to let you change, and then I'll take you out for dinner.." He says.

"Sounds good, I'll be right back." I say as I head in the direction of my dressing room.

When I walked into my dressing room, all my sisters except Traci was in there. "Hey guys, how do you think I did?" I question as I look at myself in the mirror. "You did great, but Trina on the other hand was a little off." Tamar says. "Well, Tamar how about you take over my spot." Trina says rolling her eyes at Tamar.

"No child, she been quit doing Du Wop Pop Pop." Tamar says popping her lips. I shake my head at them. "Okay then." Trina says. "No but seriously Toni, what took you so long to come back?" Towanda asks.

"Y'all will not believe who I just saw." I say looking at them. "Who?" They ask in unison. "Ken." I squeal. They don't say anything. "Crickets, crickets." Towanda says. They all bust out laughing. "Ain't he married?" Tamar asks. "YES!" Towanda and Trina say in unison.

Tamar laughs. "Its okay Toni, I'm here for it.. Get your life." Tamar says clapping her hands. I look at them. "I have to get dressed." I say as I grab my black jeans out of my bag. "Where y'all going?" Tamar asks as she looks at me crazy.

"He can't take me out to dinner?" I ask as I start putting on my jeans. "Is his wife going?" Tamar asks. I ignore her. "Tamar, be quiet." Towanda says. I sigh in frustration. I finish getting dressed. I now have on a see through lace shirt, black jeans and leopard print louboutin's. I took another look at myself in the mirror before grabbing my bag off of the chair and walking out of the dressing room.

"How she just gonna leave us in her dressing room?" I hear Tamar say. I sigh as I make my way over to Ken. "I'm ready." I say. He nods. We head outside to his black Aston Martin.

"Thank you Ken." I say as he opens the door for me. I get in the car, shutting the door behind me. "This car is nice." I say to him as I watch him get in the car. "Thank you, I got it a few months ago."

I smiling while nodding my head.


"I never been here before." I say as I look around at the restaurant then back at Ken. "Seriously?" He questions. I nod my head. "It's been a long time since we seen each other." Ken says. "I know right, It seems like forever." I say. "Did you miss me?" He questions."Sorta kinda." I say giggling. "That's bullshit." He says. I bust out laughing. He chuckles. "No, but seriously how are the boys?" He questions.

"They're getting so big, I can't take it." I explain. He slightly chuckles. "And Keri?" He asks. "We are divorced." I say sternly. "Oh, I'm sorry Tone." He apologizes. "Its fine, It took me awhile to get over it.. but I'm okay." I state. "How's everybody on your side?" I ask. "Everybody is good, no complaints." He says while smiling. "That's good Ken." I say while smiling back.

The rest of the time we spent together was full of laughs, and catching up with each other.


Since I've decided not to write 'Obsessed' I wanted to give you guys another ToniFace story.. Hope you enjoy!

-ToniBFan (:

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