Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Babyface POV

I shut the front door behind me as I walk into my dark eight bedroom house. I enter the family room and I see my five year old daughter Peyton lying down on the couch asleep with her thumb in her mouth.

I chuckle to myself as I pick her up, and as she adjusts her head on my shoulders while wrapping her arms around my neck. I head upstairs and into her room. I lay her down which causes her to slowly open her eyes. "Daddy, I missed you." She says which causes me to smile. "I missed you too Peyton.. but can daddy ask you a question?" I ask as I look down at my watch seeing that It's ten minutes after twelve. She nods softly while rubbing her eyes.

"Why were you downstairs on the couch?" I ask curiously as I move her hair out of her face. "I was waiting for you to come home." She says. I kiss her forehead. "How was your day with mommy?" I ask as I sit down on her bed. "That woman is not my mom." Peyton says while rolling her eyes.

"What do you mean?" I question. "Daddy, we both know she doesn't love me.. You see the way she acts." Peyton says which made my heart break into a million pieces. "Peyton, that's not true." I say as I grab her hand. She doesn't say a word.

"Peyton..." I say. She repositions herself and lays down on her right side without saying anything. I get up from her bed and I kiss her on her forehead. "I love you...more than anything." I say before walking of her room and heading into my room.

I walk into my bedroom to see my wife Nichole laying in the bed, reading a book. "Hey baby." She says as closes her book. I look at her in disgust. "Don't hey baby me." I say coldly. "What the hell is your problem?" She asks. "You."

She sits at the edge of the bed, looking at me crazy. "Why do you treat Peyton the way that you do?" I ask as I slam the door shut. She softly chuckles. "I should've knew it was about that little bitch." She says. It took everything for me not to slap her. I swear to god, I was close to doing it.

"We're done here." I say before walking out of the bedroom and heading back into Peyton's room. I pick her  up from her bed and lay her across my shoulders causing her to wrap her arms around my neck. I then head downstairs and outside to my car. As I begin to buckle Peyton up, she slowly began to wake up.

"Where are we going daddy?" Peyton asks barely above a whisper. "We're leaving Peyton." I say as I make my way over to the driver seat. I drive off and head into the direction of the nearest hotel.


Hey guys! Hope you enjoy this chapter! Please give me feedback!

-ToniBFan (:

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