Chapter 10 - Now Is Not the Time

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Pete, Andy and Joe had cleared the entire street by the time the sun had begun to set. Patrick and Tori had kept themselves busy in the house, cleaning, boarding up windows, and devising a plan to reinforce the high wooden fence around the yard. They knew if they were going to be able to stay here for any amount of time, it needed to be as safe as they could make it. Soon before the boys returned, Patrick left the house to attempt cleaning up the backyard, and Tori set to work on preparing their first real dinner in weeks.

            Luckily for all of them, Patrick's mother had been very passionate about canning and preserving food. Upon finding all of the mason jars lined up on shelves in the basement, Tori had laughed and playfully asked Patrick, "What were you guys preparing for? The apocalypse?" Patrick had stuck his tongue out at her, but he'd laughed as well. Now, Tori had carried three big jars full of homemade chili up to the kitchen, and was standing over the stove, stirring it around in a big pot. Beside it, she was also brewing a huge pot of tea. Patrick had mentioned how much he missed being able to make tea while they were searching the kitchen, so Tori thought it might be a kind gesture, given the way Patrick's day had gone so far.

            Just as she was pulling five bowls down from the cupboard, the glass door to the backyard slid open and Patrick stumbled inside. He locked the door behind him and mumbled something about having to barricade it later, then smiled at Tori and joined her by the stove. "Mmm," he commented, "That smells delicious."

            "Well I hope so," Tori laughed, "It's your mom's." Patrick chuckled at that and hopped up on the counter beside the stove, sitting there to watch as Tori turned the heat down on the stove. "So," She said after a moment of silence, "How are you doing?"

            Patrick looked down at the floor for a second, playing with his fingers absently. "I'm alright. How about you? I know it's been like a week, but...."

            "I'm fine," Tori sighed, "No use getting hung up on it. I just miss Aaron, really."

            Patrick was quiet for a moment, looking curiously at Tori as she found some coffee mugs in the cupboard near his head. She began pouring the steaming hot tea into them, and slid one toward Patrick. "Tell me about him," he suddenly prodded, sipping gingerly at his tea as he looked at Tori with his wide, blue eyes.

            Tori set the stove burner to the lowest setting and took a step back, leaning against the island counter across from Patrick. "He was only seven-years-old," she started, "He was my little brother, but you knew that. He always looked up to me, and I spent a lot of time babysitting him for my parents...we were close. Very close. I just...I could have swore he recognized me, right before Pete...."

            "Maybe he did," Patrick whispered, more contemplatively than reassuringly. "I mean...haven't you wondered if they remember anything after they turn?"

            "Yeah," Tori mused, "Especially ones that didn't die before they turned. Maybe Aaron was still alive in there...."

            Before either of them could wonder any more on the subject, there came a loud pounding on the front door. The two shared a confused glance, before Patrick slid down off the counter and made for the entrance. He leaned against the door first, pressing his ear to the wood. "Pete?" he called, hoping it couldn't be anyone else.

            "Yeah, open up!" Pete yelled back, and Patrick quickly pulled the door open to reveal Pete, Joe, and Andy, all of whom were covered head to toe in blood.

            "Holy smokes!" Patrick gasped, drawing Tori out of the kitchen to look on in surprise.

            "It's okay!" Pete said, holding up his hands as Patrick attempted to help him into the house. "None of its ours."

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