Chapter 12 - Expedition

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            The blazing sun was high in the sky when Pete called them all into the dining room. He sat at the head of the table with his feet kicked up on it, leaning back like he was some kind of idol, and he had his gun laid out beside his feet. Andy and Joe came in first, sitting to the left of Pete and leaving two seats to his right for Patrick and Victoria. None of them knew yet that the two weren't anything more than just friends, so they thought they were doing them a favor by letting them sit together. To all of their surprise, Patrick came in first and sat immediately next to Pete, shortly followed by Victoria, who opted to sit at the opposite head of the table, closer to Andy than to Patrick. Andy looked to Pete in question, but he only eyed Patrick suspiciously.

"Alright," Pete said, looking around at all of them with a regal air about him. He had decided last night that they needed someone to make all of the executive decisions, before another incident like the two zombies busting in the back door happened again. He also seemed to think that he was going to be the one for the job. "We need to plan an expedition."

"An expedition?" Andy immediately spoke up. Pete looked at him in an almost challenging manner, silently daring him to say he was wrong. "We have everything we need right here. We're set for a few weeks, at least, Pete."

"Is this really what you called us all in here for?" Patrick asked, sounding irritated. Pete wondered if there was something else bothering him, because he was never so short with him. Glancing at Tori, Pete noted the way she looked down at her nails, as if inspecting them while she avoided looking at Patrick, or anyone else for that matter.

"Yes, it is," Pete insisted. "You two used up like half of the first-aid kit last night. We need more supplies, plus, we need to reinforce that door, and board up some windows. So yeah, we need to plan a trip into town to raid some shit." He glanced around at all of them, gritting his teeth at their stubbornness. Andy sighed, but nodded his head in agreement, while Joe seemed to be nodding off in his chair. Pete guessed he didn't sleep well last night. He dropped his legs down from the table and gave Joe's chair a sharp kick, startling him awake, and looked at Patrick. Patrick was rolling his eyes at him, but as he passed a tired hand over his face and through his hair, he nodded too.

"Fine," Patrick breathed, "There's a hardware store just a few streets away."

"Good," Pete said, sitting up and smiling a bit. "You can map out our way there for us. Joe and Andy can come with me, and you can stay here with Tori. Sound good?"

Tori looked up now, her brow furrowed in agitation. Pete looked back at her, frowning. "Wouldn't it be better for all of us to go?" She asked.

"Someone should stay here and watch the house," Pete explained, "If a zombie gets in again, I'd rather someone be here to take care of it right away."

"Then leave me," Tori told him, shrugging and shaking her head a bit. "Take Patrick with you guys. You'll have a lot to carry back."

"I figured you would need him here to help out if—"

"Pete, seriously?" Patrick deadpanned. Pete looked at him to find him staring absently at his hands on the table. "Tori can take care of herself, she doesn't need a babysitter." Tori looked up at Patrick blankly for a moment, before a hesitant smile crept over her face. She blushed ever so slightly, and looked back at Pete to see him eyeing her curiously.

"Alright then," Pete stated, looking back at Patrick. "You'll go with us, and Tori will hold down the fort until we get back. Any questions?" He looked around at the four of them, his eyebrows raised in question, but they all shook their heads and looked at one another in expectation. Pete pushed back his chair and stood up, lightly nudging Joe's shoulder again. "We'll leave in an hour, then. Everyone find a bag to carry things, and we'll meet by the front door."He walked away then, taking his gun and leaving them all to do their own things, and took the stairs two at a time to get to his bedroom.

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