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Baby, if you wanna leave
Come to California
Be a freak like me, too
Screw your anonymity
Loving me is all you need to feel
Like I do


[A/N: Niall is no longer Louis' neighbor. ]

It's lunch time now, and Louis couldn't be more anxious, yet excited, to meet Harry.

He couldn't do anything else that day, but think about him.

And those special hands.

Those beautiful eyes.

Those pretty brown locks. I mean they're so long and luscious, and beautiful, like how does he manage to have such beautiful hair like that?

Why is everything about this guy so exquisite?

And why does he become incredibly hard just thinking about him?

Ugh, he's such a beauty. Even his hands, they were just so pretty. So pleasing, aesthetically pleasing. Even when he wears those rings on them, it's just...

They make him want to just stuff three of those suckers in his mouth, and just taste the sweet skin. He wants them touching him everywhere: his lips, his torso, his dick.

Fuck, just everywhere.

"Oompf!" The falling of books and papers suddenly catch Louis' attention, and he finds a small boy at his feet.

"I-I'm s-so sorry, I d-didn't mean to-" the small boy trips over his own words.

"It's fine, dear. Lemme help." Louis happily bends down to collect the boys papers, stacking them in a neat pile, and handing them to the trembling boy across from him.

"Thanks," he barely whispers, his eyes glued down to the floor and his blond hair combed over his forehead.

He's never seen this kid before.

"What's your name, love?" Louis asks, because he genuinely wanted to know.

He may be a slut, but at least he has a heart.

"Niall." He says, looking at Louis with the palest of blue eyes he had ever seen. His cheeks are red and blotchy and his lips are a cute shade of pink. His motherly instincts is to take him under his wings before this school eats them alive.

"Hello, Niall. I'm Louis," he smiles. "Many people call me whore, slut, babe, homewrecker...and the list goes on."

Louis reaches for Niall's hand, which he takes gracefully, and rise from the floor.

"But, once you get to know me, you'll know that at heart, I'm a bitch."


By the time they reached the bleachers, Niall's ear had be talked off by the older lad--Louis is his name. He didn't really expect to make friends on his first day as a transfer student but I guess when your mom and dad die and are passed around in foster homes, humanity can be a bit more gentle.

The school is big, he didn't really expect to get accepted into such a prestigious high school, let alone as a transferred sophomore.

Hopefully the teachers are nice.

"I hope you're listening, Niall." Louis' voice creeps back into his thoughts, and once again, he's forced to hear Louis blab about the school.

"Oh, sorry." Niall mutters, and clutches his books closer to his chest as he passes the bleachers of girls laughing and oogling the boys playing on the field.

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