diet mountain dew

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diet mountain dew baby New York City,
Never was there ever a girl so pretty,
Do you think we'll be in love forever?
Do you think we'll be in love?


*sorry, guys*

Harry was floating on air when he got home, still trying to relive the moment that Louis Tomlinson kissed him. His lips still tasted of cherry lipbalm, and he could still feel the ghost of his thin lips on his plump ones. He's been feigning for a kiss for so long, that he feels as if he's been deprived of it. he feels like he just resurfaced from the grueling dark waters, only to smell the sweet air full of oxygen to keep him alive.

He's so fucking ecstatic he wants to fist pump the air, but he restrains himself from doing so because his neighbors may think he's crazy. He doesn't mean to be, though.

He just can't believe Louis William Tomlinson kissed him.

He was so giddy with excitement and bubbling over with happiness that he didn't notice the duffel bags by the door on his way in. He didn't notice how messy and in disarray they were. He didn't even here the quiet sobs coming from the abandoned bedroom that is his sister's, until the high of his day died down and he felt that something wasn't right.

He climbed the steps in curiosity, following the small whimpers and loud sniffles, which become louder and louder and they near the closed door on the right.

Slowly, he crept towards the door, pushing it open once he noticed it was unlocked, and--



Niall was skipping home now, not really minding how incredibly eventful his day was. He barely knew this Louis kid, but now he feels like he knows everything about him and he's not really sure how to handle the new info. Oh well, at least he has a friend.

And a newfound crush.

Silently, he smiles to himself as he thinks about the little conversation him and Jackson had while walking to the office.

"So, this must be a lot for you, being it's your first day, right?" He asks.

Niall nodded, keeping his eyes down on the monochromatic colors of the school's tiles, because if he was to look up he would probably get lost in those clear green eyes.

"Can I see which classes you got?" Jackson asks him after a few moments of silence, but before he could answer the schedule is no longer in Niall's possession.

Niall's eyes travel up to the older boy's face, trying to ask for it back, only to get lost in how pretty he looks. His plump, bottom lip is tugged between his teeth as his marble-y eyes traveled up and down the paper. Niall takes the time to study his beautiful brown skin, which are dusted in freckles from the bridge of his nose to the tip. Jesus Fuck, he's beautiful.

"Damn, you're smart." Jackson says as he gives niall back his schedule. "you have mostly AP classes, that's cool."

Niall blushes at the small compliment. "I mean, I never have much to do, so usually I'm in my books."

Jackson's lips twitch into a smile. "Maybe you can tutor me, y'know? I suck at school to be honest." He admits with a bashful smile.

Niall almost gave away his answer with the biggest smile ever. He'd love to tutor him, ed do anything to be with him for fuck's sake!

Of course Niall didn't say that out loud, he just nodded softly and continued to talk to him until they were at the office.
Today was the best day ever, Niall thought, as he stood in front of his front door. He felt like blasting some good music and dancing around his bedroom cause that's how happy he was. He felt like baking, and making a cake to celebrate how happy he was. Niall just felt so happy he could cry!

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