Chapter 2: you've changed dad

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After what felt like hours, I finished my Science. It is now 10pm and surprisingly, I'm not even tired.

My stomach grumbles as I'm putting away my homework. I'm starving! I jump out of my seat and run down the stairs. As I walk towards the kitchen I notice my dad is in there.

"What are you doing!?" He asks while anger takes him over.

"Uh, I came to get a snack?" My answer comes out more like a question.

"It's too late for that! Get to bed!" He yells while slamming his beer bottle on the counter.

"Dad, you're drunk. Just go to sleep." I reply slightly worried.

My dad is never this drunk and I'm always allowed to come downstairs for a snack. Why aren't I allowed now?

"Don't tell me what to do, you whore!" He screams while walking up to me. Okay, now I'm shivering.

"I-I'm sorry.."

"Shut up and get upstairs! I'm tired of seeing your stupid fuckin face. If only I could kill you like you killed your mother!" He exclaims. Those words shot like daggers.

"It's not my fault she died, dad! You and I both know that! Ever since she died you've been such a terrible person! You've been drinking way to much and you go out with these gangs of frigin drug dealers! And you can't even take care of your own daugh-" I get cut of by this sharp pain on my right cheek. Oh my god. He slapped me!

"Don't you ever speak to me like that again or it won't just be one slap next time!" He threatens.

What happened to him? It's only been about 3 years since my mom died and he's turned into this? What happened to the father that would laugh with me, joke around and hug me when I'm upset? What happened to the man that would only drink on special occasions? What happened to the father that would spend time with me? What happened to the man that would never hurt me? What happened to the man that would protect me from anything? More importantly, what happened to my dad?

As the tears poured out of my eyes, he just stands there laughing.

"You're such a baby! No wonder your mom would rather die than live with you!" He laughs.

"Dad, stop. Please. This isn't you! You're not this drunk, abusive man!" I reply.

"Shut up and get out of here!" He says before pushing me towards the direction of the stairs.

"You've changed, dad." I whisper.

I run up the stairs and slam my room door shut. I slide down the door in tears. Holding my knees tightly, I cry, and cry, and cry until there's no more tears left.

How could he hit me like that? What was he becoming? I'm so scared of what he might do to me ... I slowly close my eyes and drift off to sleep while thinking of the worst.


"Get up, Lucy! I'm leaving!" my dad yells from downstairs.

I open my eyes and notice that I'm not in my bed, I'm still sitting against the door of my room. All the evens of last night flash across my mind. He hit me. My own father hit me. I can't believe it.

I get up after hearing the front door of the house slam shut. The car starts and he drives off. I walk into my closet while trying to figure out what to wear today.

I finally settle on wearing my white booty shorts with my bright yellow tank top. I slip on my black TOMS and walk into the bathroom.

After brushing my teeth, putting on makeup and getting my backpack ready, I walk downstairs. I take a glimpse of the clock on the wall in the hallway. It's 6:45am. I have 15 minutes till I meet with Louis. I can't believe he's actually famous. I've never even heard of him before!

I'm gonna need money and I know exactly where to get it: my dads savings. He has about 3,000$ in there. Every time I need money, I just take a few dollars from there. Luckily, he never notices. As I'm grabbing 10$ from his drawer, my phone buzzes.

*Hey Babe!! Need a ride? ~Talia <3*

*Didn't you forget about my little date with Louis? (; ~Lucy*

*Oh yeah! Well have fun! Don't forget about what we talked about! ~Talia<3*

*lol I won't. Bye<3 ~Lucy*

I shove my phone in my pocket and take my house key from the key hook on the wall. After opening my garage door I carefully take my bike. Shutting the grage door afterwards, I lock the front door.

I hop on my bike and head towards Starbucks.

A/N: okay, so this chapter isn't very long I published the next one too!

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