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                     You woke up with a startle in an unfamiliar room with no memory of getting there. You slowly tried to get up. There was a stabbing pain in your side, leg, and head.                                         

                    "Ah" you say with a groan standing up and immediate falling on the cold steel floor.

                      You cursed in Russian under your breath.         

                       The door opened in the  room you were in. "N-Natasha?" You say horse. Natasha romanoff was one of your closet friends at  S.H.I.E.L.D. Maybe it was because of your Russian roots, or because you were both skillfully trained in hand to hand combat, or maybe even because you were both woman.

                        "Hey Y/N.." She said quietly entering the room "how do you feel" she started to help you up back on the bed

                         "I'm in a lot of pain, nothing a few aspirins can't handle" you say thanking her for helping you up "what happen?" You say touchingly wound that had just opened on your forehead.

                  "Um, well a you know Bucky is a wanted man..." Nat said getting up to get the first aid kit on the wall "And the men who want Bucky bombed your appartment, Bucky tried to save you, he did protect you as you can see; still alive." She grabbed a needle and thread and started stitching up te open wound on your head "But Bucky couldn't have you be hurt for his crimes so he had Steve take you here, stark towers and get you fixed. You lost so much blood, you've been in a coma for a month" she put gauze on the now sewn shut cut and put everything away.

                  You say there in shock. "M-months.." You say in your home tongue

                "Yes I'm sorry, Bucky's been cryogenically frozen again, he lost his metal arm again"

"No..." You say quietly, warm tears stroll down your face"NO BUCKY..." You strolled off "h-how long will he be frozen" you look at Natasha "I-" she starts but you cut her off "HOW LONG"

"I-I don't know"

I've lost him...

Hurt (Bucky Barnes X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now