The Worried Parents

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(Fullmetal Alchemist and Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood are both owned by Hiromu Arakawa.)


Once upon a time, all six of Ed and Winry's kids were locked in their room together trying to avoid their parents. They had found a book on the side of the road that they all wanted to read. It was called My Little Pony #5. They were all so fascinated by it. They decided to do some more research on it to see if there was any more content. They turned on the computer in Eds' office and Googled My Little Pony. Come to find out, there were millions of episodes and books and merchandise of My Little Pony. Suddenly, they heard a thumping metal sound coming up the stairs. Crap, dad. They quickly closed out of the internet and turned off the computer. Red hid the book behind his back as Ed walked in. Ed asked what they were all doing in his office and they responded by saying that they wanted to look at some alchemy book of his. Ed was delighted to hear that his kids wanted to learn about alchemy. Unfortunately, he said that he had to be left alone to do some work for now, but would teach them about alchemy later. So the kids all started to walk out. But, Ed noticed something behind Reds' back.
"Red, you can't sneak any of my books away, give it back." Ed said. Red told him it wasn't one of his books.
"Well then what is it? Show me." Quickly, Ginry threw a rock from her pocket into Reds' hand.
It's my pet rock." Red said innocently.
"Oh, okay. Well then go on." Ed said. The kids scurried out of the room and Ed caught a glimpse of something pink in Reds' hand as he was closing the door. 'Oh no...' Ed thought.

A few days later, Winry walked into the kids room to get Dinry for dinner. She was reading the My Little Pony book.
"Umm, what are you reading Dinry?" Winry asked.
"Oh, um, nothing."
"Well it looks like something..." Winry snatched up what she was reading and screamed. Suddenly Ed ran into the room.
"What's wrong?" Winry pointed to the ground where the My Little Pony book lay. Ed kicked it to the other side of the room.
"Dinry is this what you and your brothers and sisters have been hiding?!"
"This stuff will scar you for life! It is really Adult Swim secretly put into a little kids theme to make it seem nice!!! We will burn it after dinner." When the burning came, they brought it to Ed and Al's old house that they burned down years ago and buried the ashes into the rubble.
"We will never speak of this..." Everyone agreed. None of them came out of the house for three months because they were so ashamed. The End.


Fear the ponies.

(I also do not own My Little Pony or Google)

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