chapter 3

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faiths pov

i notice him rake my body up and down as his eyes fill with lust and an other emotion i cant seem to recall but i quickly snap out of the intense gaze we had looked on eachother with his piercing green eyes . i gently place my hands on his hands that are placed on my waist he rapidly feels alarmed and excited by my gesture but soon fades away as i take his hands that were resting on my waist and place them back to his body he seems a bit embarrased and confused but soon his face turns emotionless and he regains a cocky stance with the matching tatunizing smirk that i want to smack of his face.

his eyes finally settle on my face and his posture and face soften he puts his hands on his pockets and he looks much more attractive than he did before with that cocky postion he was in now he looks a tad bit more innocent well not regarding what hes wearing a pair of tight black jeans and black boots with a white plain t-shirt ,i could see his perfectly formed jawline with his pink plump lips and emerald green eyes that are staring back at me with amusment i suddenely avert my gaze from him and embarrasment floods within me as i notice ive been practically checking him out with him infront of me watching me .

I step back from him and he takes one step forward i take another step back and he has a cheecky grin on his face and a gigle escapes my lips and he smiles exposing his prominet dimples .he takes his hand out of his pocket and  gestures it forward to me .                                                                

'hi im harry' he says with a smile on his face                                                                                                    

i hesistate at first but welcome his hand and shake it and retaliate with my name                                 'hi im faith ' i say to him and if its possible his smile grows and his face brightens i gigle by his actions and laughs with me.

'ive only just met you and youve made me laugh and smile genuiely more than i have since this past month.

i really dont know what to say to that so i just awkardly nod my head 

'can i see your schedule' he asks me

i give him my schedule and he glances up and down to the piece of paper multiple times with a smile on his face

' we have music and math together '

'okay' i say 

'yeah so i'll see you around then ' i say 

"wait.....umm yeah ok bye faith"he tells me 

i wave to him goodbye and go to search for my locker which is not to far away from where i am its actually down the hall from where me and harry were standing . im still getting alot of attention mostly from guys and winks with lustful eyes and rude faces from girls with caked face faces but i dont really mind i mostly keep to myself on the way to my first class .

i walk in to my first class literature and notice all eyes on me again , i see the teacher walk up to me  but i hestitate to believe his the teacher because he looks so young to be a teacher he nods to me to walk up to him , he introduces himself as professor owens i tell him my name and he give sma warm smile. 

"class this is faith carter"he introduces me to the class and i just simply nod to them not really finding the introduction neccesariry 

i take a seat next to the window and listen to the lesson while taking notes untill i get a paper ball thrown to the side of my desk i look who threw it and i see a dirty blonde boy with ocean blue eyes and light skin grining at me and gesturing me to open the note .i do as he said and open inside it says 

"hey i know your new and stuff  but your madly fine ;)-niall"

i look back up at him and threw the note back siliently and give him a disgusted face and go back to the lesson that the proffesor was teaching.

"oohh fiesty i like it"i hear him say that and i roll my eyes at him 

The class passes by pretty fast without that many interuptions 

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