Amanda’s POV
I woke up with strong arms pulling me close to them; I smiled and turned around to be face to face with Niall. He had his mouth slightly open and was snoring very quietly, I chuckled and pocked his cheek ‘’Wake up babe’’ I said making him groan ‘’Come on Ni, I’m hungry’’ I said smiling he opened his eyes and smiles at me ‘’Want to go to IHop?’’ I nod my head eagerly smiling making him laugh.
He lets go of my waist and I get off the bed and go to my suitcase and look for something to wear, I decide on this outfit( nd then run to the bathroom with my clothes in hand. When I close the door I hear Niall laughing and I smile. I look in the mirror and instead of me I see a monster, there’s hair sticking everywhere and I look pale and have bags under my eyes. I strip out of my pajamas and get in the shower.
10 minutes later I get out and put on my cloths, then I put my hair in a messy bun and put little make up on, I spray my favorite perfume on and walk out of the bathroom. I walk to my suitcase and pull out my socks and put in my dirty cloths. I walked to the bed and put on my socks and then my shoes, right when I was about to bend down to tie them up I see two hands and blonde hair in front of me tying them up for me, I recognize the blonde hair by Niall and lean down and kiss his head ‘’Thanks babe’’ I say smiling my lips still on his head ‘’ anything for my princess’’ he said finishing with my left foot and looking up at me and smiling, I smile back and stand up and grab my phone from the nightstand.
He takes my hand and we walk to the door, I check the time and see its 10:30am. We walk out of the bus and to his car and he opens the door for me, I smile and thank him getting in, e runs to his side and gets in closing his door. He turns on the radio and wrecking ball by Miley Cyrus was playing, I smile.
‘’ I came in like a wrecking ball
I never hit so hard in love
All I wanted was to break your walls
All you ever did was break me
I came in like a wrecking ball
Yeah, I just closed my eyes and swung
Left me crouching in a blaze and fall
All you ever did was break me
Yeah, you wreck me’’
I sing along softly. Once the song was over we arrived at IHOP ‘’don’t open your door’’ Niall said to me before he opened he’s and ran to my side opening mine, I got out and smiled at him thanking him. We walk in hand In hand and wait to be seated. (I’ve never been to IHOP so I don’t know how it works there just pretend) 3 minutes later bleach blonde came and lead us to our table, we sat down and she handed us the menus ‘’anything you want in advance let me know’’ she said smiling and winked at Niall, he looked at me and gave me a funny face ( making me laugh ‘’Yeah thanks, you can go now’’ I say looking up at the girl whose name tag said Michelle (sorry if your name is Michelle) she scoffed and rolled her eyes walking off.
Niall and I made small conversation while waiting for our food to arrive. Once it had arrived we stopped talking and ate our food. When we finished Niall sat on the booth really close to me and held my hand ‘’ I have something very important to ask you.’’ He said looking me in the eyes I smiled and nodded my head indicating him to continue ‘’Will you be my girlfriend?’’ he asked still looking me in the eyes, I smiled a goofy smile and nodded my head, he gave me a goofy grin and kissed me on the lips.
Agh! Best Day EVER!!!

Love at first Hiccup (Niall Horan Love story)
FanfictionAmanda Benson is your average, American teenager. She loves life and lives it to the fullest. She is very caring and loving. She has a lot of talent; she can dance, sing and act. Her favorite band is One Direction and her favorite One Direction memb...