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It seemed like time was just standing still for just those few moments, Synea and Aurek focused on each other staring into each others eyes .. Synea wore a smirk on her face while Aurek's face was filled with confusion !!

"You're Synea?" Aurek asked still trying to grasp what in the hell was going on.

Nodding her head, "Yeap" Synea replied popping the 'P' for emphasis

She glanced over at Emerald who's bronze skin was now a more pale color .. showing the fear that was written all over her face !!

Emerald put her head down as Synea stared a hole right through her .

"Emerald !! How are you ?" She finally said intertwining her finger, standing before her with actual concern etched on her face.

Emerald looked up into Synea's eyes not saying a thing .. Synea's smile faded as fast as she put it on, pulling a platinum colored pistol from behind her she raised it to Emerald .. "It's been nice working with you Emerald !!" Synea winked.


Everyone was shocked as blood splattered everywhere .. The white interior that filled the room was no longer the main attraction .. Emerald's brains were .. Synea hadn't moved a inch and her gun was still raised as she stared at Emerald's lifeless body !! When she finally did lower it .. she ran her finger around the still hot barrel ..

Daniel & Aurek glanced at each other wondering what in the fuck they had gotten into .. and thinking this was a business meeting, neither one of them came strapped !! Daniel cursed himself out in his head at he and his cousins slip up ..

"Sarah .. Synea" Aurek said with a sigh before Synea raised her finger silencing him.

"Benny, and Mike !! It's so nice to see you again .. But after our first meeting you kind of just disappeared, This disappoints me gravely!!" She said with a giggle, turing her attention to them.

Both Benny and Mike glanced at each other before starting to speak at the same time attempting to explain themselves .. Synea raised her gun yet again aiming it at Benny first ..

"Where's my money ?" She asked with hell in her eyes, this wasn't a friendly conversation.

"I can get it !!" Benny replied, putting his hands up.

"Is it here ?" Synea replied back quickly looking around like it was supposed to appear out of thin air.

"No but--" Benny was cuff off..


Benny fell to the floor slumping out of his seat from a bullet to the head .. just like Emerald.. Mike was next, his chest visibly heaved up and down as he fought to find the words that could reschedule his fate with death. 

"Where's my money Mike ?" Synea smiled.

"I .. I'll show you were its at plus interest Synea please !!" He begged.

Synea frowned up "Nah .. Keep it !!" She smiled.


Aurek and Daniel both stared at the now three dead bodies that were on the floor .. The room now reaked of death and the two cousins were praying they weren't next.

"The fuck you got us into man" Daniel whispered to his cousin.

Aurek rolled his eyes not taking them off of Synea .. she looked at him with no emotions of the few moments they briefly spent together alone. In place was the person many had feared.  ..

"So what? You gonna kill us too ?" Aurek asked.

"I actually like you !!" She sucked her teeth, Synea wanted to keep him around.. Aurek stayed silent..

"I was thinking we could do some business together !!" She said as Daniel and Aurek glanced at each other.

"What the fuck was all this for ?!" Aurek asked gesturing to the dead bodies around him.

"Each and every person in this room, knows or knows of my stands.. They thought it was a joke, I proved them other wise!!" She said.

"And neither am I .. Synea !!" Aurek replied.

"Remember, I'm the one with the gun .." Synea responded her smile fading.

"I don't give a damn" Aurek yelled across the room.

Synea tilted her head to the side almost as if she was studying him .. then she nodded ..

"I'll see you around, Aurek" she replied sliding off of her glass desk where she was sitting ..

"Sarah .. I mean Synea !!" Aurek replied ..

Synea smirked as she made her exit .. Security followed behind her .. glancing back at Aurek one last time she smiled and exited the room ..

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