Triplet Powers

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The king anouced the death of the wicked witch, and kept the part of sorda comming back. The kingdom rejoiced and brought different gift for the King, the King had nothing to do with his present so he decided to share with his guards with his servants and with everyone in the village.
Five (5) months later the queen was annouced four (4)months pregnant and everyone was happy for her but feared she will loose her baby. The news spread like wide fire and everyone prayed for her in their different religion.

Five (5) months Later the queen was in labor and was rushed to the mid - wives center and she gave birth to not one, not two but three.
She had two girls and one boy. The king thought to himself all my patience not in vain he named the three beautiful babies Isabella, Aubrey, and Kennedy.

The whole village of Azafurses was so happy that the queen had given birth that they celebrated with a wild celebration everyone went to show off their talent and impress the queen and king.

The three babies grew up safely and sound. When they turned one (1) the whole Kingdom had a big party and celebrated brought gift unto the babies which included; clothes, toys, shoes and all other things that babies need.

It was evening, the King was about to sleep but he felt the urge to check on the babies so he woke up his wife and they both went to see the babies, they were doing ok and the King kissed three of them and felt a weird like what he felt one (1) year ago when the triplets were born.

The next day the King took a day out to play with his children. The king and The Queen had so much fun, but something strange happened the King noticed that anytime Isabella sneezed or coughed or yahned she seemed to fly a little and seemed to increase everytime she sneezed.

Aubrey seemed to crawl faster like she had super speed, A thrill of fear rushed through this he thought that somehow the witch was messing with him, he informed his wife and called for his soucerer.

Sedrick diagnosed Isabella and Aubrey with magical power, but he wondered why, so he took the crystal of Azafurses and begun to chant

Crystal Oh crystal
All powerful and great
Crystal Oh crystal
Give us the source of this strange condition

The crystal begun to glow, it became hot and then it begun to speak

You have asked for a solution
That I shall give you
But first you give me my wish
Your little baby
If you give me
I shall control him
And he shall do for me what I want

Then Sedrick looked at the King and back and forth and the queen spoke if we agree will the baby leave us and then the crystal spoke

Well well
I see you think wise
The answer to your question
Your son shall stay with you
In flesh but in spirt he is with me

well you may have him the King and Queen chorus it together direct it to the crystal then said
Now I shall give you what you seek
They source of the babies power
Is the death of the witch
All her powers have been transferred

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