To My Navy Sailor

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thurs, Aug. 1, 2013

Dear Sean,

You leave today. I don’t know when. You’re probably already gone.

I’m not going to bother with that accent in your name because this is my letter and I can do whatever I want. Also, you’re going to have to look past other spelling & grammar errors anyway, Mr. should-have-been-the-Prep-News-copy-editor.

You never gave me an address to write you at, but, again, that doesn’t really fit into my plans. So, unless I figure something else out, I’ll be keeping these letters until you get home, 18 months from now.

So, until yesterday, I was on a family road trip. And it was a bit awful. We had to pick up Julia from Chicago because her parents didn’t want her making a layover in the US. I don’t think her parents understand how far KC is from Chicago.

It was really stressful. My last few days of freedom before three weeks of a constant companion spent with my family. And really no contact with you.

There were so many times I wanted to text you. Just to talk to you. Tell you about my day. Ask how you were doing. Leaving must have been so hard on you. It’s hard for me to even begin to imagine. Ugh! and with your back thing! So stressful.

I’m going to miss you so much. I already do. Being around you made me feel safe. And comfortable. And I miss that.

I’m sitting here, watching Gilmore Girls, not talking to my foreign exchange student. She’s quiet and awkward, but terribly pretty. Skinny & tall. I’m already out of things to talk about with her.

I visited Wash U & SLU yesterday. Wash U is so pretty. The buildings are so nice and the dorms have their own bathrooms and there’s lots of food. Even a cookie delivery place! I doubt I could get in. I don’t think I ever told you that I got a 33 on my June ACT, but that’s their average ACT score. I’m so not good enough for that school, but I love St. Louis. SLU was alright. Nice & secluded, but just not as great.

I miss you.

I’d rather be with you right now.

I’ll see you later.



(approx. 0115) fri, Aug. 2, 2013

Dear Sean,

I almost just hit a cat. Oh my God.

That’s all.



thurs, Aug. 8, 2013

Dear Sean,

Look at that. I’m respecting your wish that I not write everyday. It’s been hard though. I’ll be doing something and start thinking about how I’m gonna tell you about it. And all I have are these letters.

So, last Saturday, Taylor Swift was in town. Not only do I love T-Swift, but Julia does, too. That morning, my dad called me at Waldo saying he would buy me tickets. I had to work salad bar that night, but I told him to buy them anyway. No one would take my shift. I harassed like half the staff and they all made up excuses. I was pissed. Luckily, little Andy Raddant switched shifts for that with me. I still miss Taylor, but at least I wasn’t doing salad bar.

On Sunday, I woke Julia up early for 0730 mass. We usually sit behind my grandparents and then eat breakfast with them, but they weren’t there.

Our next stop was Loose Park to see the duck pond and the cannons. I had to go to a special art exhibit for school, so I showed Julia the Nelson. Sadly, it was raining, so we didn’t get to walk around the outside, which is my favorite part.

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