True Story, actually

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I was just missing someone, so I wrote this.


Remember that first time that we hung out outside of Waldo? You were complaining cause you were hungry and you couldn't go to sleep hungry but you didn't want to make food because you didn't have the energy or some stupid excuse and my family was all asleep or at camp or at their apartment so I told you I would make you some Mac n cheese if you brought me some cookies and I think at first I might have been kidding but then I realized I wasn't and you asked and I said you should definitely come so you did.

It was already past midnight and I was nervous as hell because there was this 19-year-old guy coming over to my house in the middle of the night and like what do you do in that situation like seriously what was I thinking.

And so when I made the Mac n cheese it was really bad like I just totally failed at making Kraft Mac n cheese like that shouldn't even be possible but you ate it anyway and you didn't say anything and I ate mine from my power puff girls bowl that you made fun of me for but now it's lost so that's sad.

I think we were both really awkward and we talked about stuff and you said something about alcohol and I was just like hsjahrjaibejs cause like idk about alcohol but you were all like I'm not gonna drink at your house and I was all relieved but idk if I showed that at all idk I was still a bit nervous.

You made some comment about my pupils being dilated so I blamed it on the night time an darkness even though we were in the kitchen.

You only stayed for like an hour because we were both actually uber tired and I think I had to do something the next day I don't remember anymore.

But you texted me when you got home as I was destroying the evidence that you had listened to fun. on the way home and were no longer tired even though I was still super tired with just a slight buzz from my mini rebellion.

So I tried to stay up later to talk to you but I think we both faded pretty fast after that. It was pretty late.

I ate those McDonald's cookies for days afterward.

They were really good.


I just remembered that.

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