Love And War (skydoesminecraft, Deadlox fanfic)

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"It is time to go, you know what to do" the leader of the squid army addresses me "Yes master, I will not disappoint" I reply, as I bow on more time then walk out his thrown room, My name is Xanphia, I work in the squid army, I am famous to the squid army and seen a hero in the Kingdom, I have shoulder length black hair that is always tied back in a plat, my skin is the normal colour of flesh, but nobody else's is in the squid kingdom has skin like mine, That's why the Sky or the Dead army never notice me and kill me, It's because my father was a squid person but my mother was a sky army troop, she got killed in battle and so did my father, I was 13 when that happened, Squid took me in and trained me. I always wear a black singlet and black skinny jeans, along with black boots, I have a knife strapped to my belt, I have a scare above my eye, I am a worrier. My mission is to get onto the enemies side and gain the trust of the leaders, Deadlox and Sky, when I gain their trust they will lower their gaurd, I kill them. I get a lot of missions like these, not only because I'm a good fighter and can wield a knife and kill a man twice my size easily, but I look like a normal soldier of the enemy.

I walk out the Kingdom along with 2 other soldiers, the plan was I sit against a wall while they are in front of me looking as if they are about to attack me! we wait for Deadlox and Sky to come by and I start crying for help, they come over and the 2 soldiers run away and I act as if I'm injured, they take me back to base so I can heal, it's all up to me what we do from there. We know where Sky and Deadlox met each day, we will wait around there until the start to walk back, that's when we start.

As we wait hiding in the bushes one of the soldiers sees them coming past and that's my queue to being "Help, someone please Help me" I scream as the other to pull out their swords and pretend to kick me while I continue to scream "Please somebody help" I cry until I hear foot steps coming over, I give a little grin and continue to shout "Please help me" pretty soon Deadlox and Sky run from behind me with swords and the two run away, it's all up to me know "Are you alright" Sky asks lending his hand out to help me up "I-I think so" I reply "Did they hurt you at all?" Deadlox says "They just kicked me in the ribs a few times, I think I should be fine, I will go back to battle as soon as possible" I say weakly, "No, you must come back to base to see if you are hurt, and if so to heel" Deadlox says, refusing to let let walk alone and place an arm around my neck to help me walk, All is going to plan. As we walk I limp trying to make the pain look as real as I could, they seem convinced enough to walk ether side of me, supporting me with their arms "Why would they attack you so close far away from the battle field" Sky asks looking at me, crap I didn't think this far... "Um, I was walking back to base, I just went off duty, they must have followed me, I have no idea why" I reply, that was to close, I need to be more prepared "Well, your safe now" Deadlox says, I look up to see we are entering... The budder kingdom, next stop the base.

As we enter the base they guide me to the medical room and sit me down in a bed, a medic walks in, Sky explain what happened and that I just need to be check on. "We will see you later soldier... Uh, what's your name" I was about to say Xanphia but then they would know who I am, it is a name only used in the squid kingdom, uh what should I say "My name is Corrie" I say smiling "See you soon Solider Corrie" Deadlox says walking out with Sky, the medic start to examine my arms legs ribs until they start to talk me "How long have you been at war?" She asks me "since I was 16, so about 5 years" I say quietly "You seem to have a lot of wounds, and some memories loss due to shock. but for know you should be ok, you can report back to war as soon as you are called onto the field" I need to hurry up then. It is about 8 at night so the war for today is at rest, I am told people are on the dining hall so I get escorted over their and I take a seat next to these two girls "Hello" one of them says smiling at me "I don't think I have met you before, I'm Jade" a girl says, she has brown hair and white shirt with this purple jacket type thing and glowing eyes "Hi jade" I wave slightly "I'm Ruby, Tys Girlfriend" the other girl waves, she had dark brown hair that was very long, she had a green band tied around her head and a long fridge covers one eye "Hey Ruby, I'm Xa-Corrie" I have to be more carful but they didn't question it "I know this sounds strange but I have got shirt term memorie loss, all I know is that I have been in the war for 5 years and my name is Corrie, would you mind helping me get around the base" I ask to them, if I want people to believe my story I have to act like this "Of course" they both say in unison.

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