the truth

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"I think they are gone" Jade says peering over a bush where we are hiding "Yeah they are, let's go" she finished, she helps me up and we hobble along to a small shack "I know it is not the greatest house but it keeps me alive" she says opening the door, we walk inside and i see a bed with a crafting table, chest and a furnace "It's fine" I say as she lets me down on the bed and takes the cloth of my foot, it was covered in more blood "Running probably didn't help" I say staring at my foot "Yeah, I have something that might help" she walks over to the chest and grabs out a potion "Drink this" she's hands the bottles to me and I chug it down. it was amazing. My foot healed and the cut and blood went away before my eyes "Holy shit woman how did you..." she cuts me off "I'm a sorceress, have I not ever told you" she looks confused at me, I just shake my head "Nope" i reply "Huh, well try to walk" she finishes, I stand up and start to walk around without any pain "Jade your amazing" I give her a big hug "Thank you so much" I whisper go her, I look out the window and it's about midnight so Jade quickly crafts a bed and we both sleep


I running in a big forest, all the trees seem to touch the sky, I turn around and see an army of... these people that are like, shadows, I keep running from tree to tree until I notice Sky is running with me, we keep running until we get to a cliff "We are traped" I scream out looking at him, he puts a finger on my lips "It's ok Corrie, if we die, we die together and not on there terms, I love you" he kisses me on the lips wrapping his arms around me and I wrap my arms around his neck but soon notice we are leaning towards the edge until... I let go of him and push him over the edge as I watch him fall to his death, his face his horrified but I just wave good bye "Sorry love, but a mission is a mission" then I walk off, the last thing I see was is heart broken and his face with the face of sorrow.

-Dream ends-

"Sky!" I scream out as I burst up from my bed with the cold sweats "Corrie are you ok?" Jade turns to me as she takes something out of the furnace "I'm fine just, just a bad dream" I say breathless, looking at the Sky, it is morning "Do you need to talk about it" she say as I sit up "N-no it's fine" at that point we she gives me some food "Eat up, you will need to walk back to the base today" she says smiling at me, there is something in the way she speaks or something, she has a secret and I will find out what it is... I'm sure it's about Ruby, I start to eat the food and look at her "Jade, what's going on, your hiding something" I say worried looking at her, she sighs "It, it's Ruby" I knew it, but what "What about her" she looks down at the ground and a tear falls to the ground "I saw who killed her and it, was" she stops "Who was it" I'm starting to get worried, she takes a deep breath "S-Sky killed Ruby"

Love And War (skydoesminecraft, Deadlox fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now