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BEFORE I CARRY ON WITH THIS CHAPTER, I DO NOT HATE GIGI  OKAY I LOVE HER ALOT TBH but therefore this is a fanfic and characters are developed in certain ways so....

Please give me as many comments as possible, my lack of updates is due to the lack of comments.

Zayn has somewhat of a weird relationship with Gigi, he loves her, don't get him wrong in that department, but it wasn't a relationship where one another are seen kissing in the street or holding hands while they walk or cuddled up on the sofa while watching a movie. No. They were distant, and sometimes Zayn would blame himself for that because he was sometimes a workaholic that spent more time at the hospital than at home, but then again, Gigi is just as much a busy person as Zayn is.

Sometimes, Zayn has to remind himself that Gigi is a model, that she's famous and that she is busy jetting off to a different country every fortnight and modelling clothing lines that Zayn just couldn't be bothered keeping up with. She had cameras following her every moves, she was on the front covers of magazines and her face was on every social media website imaginable. Zayn was just a lucky doctor that seemed to mange snatching her up at a bar.

"I need a favour."Zayn is already rolling his eyes as he stands in the airport arrivals lounge, one hand containing a bunch of red roses and the other holding his phone up to his ear. The alpha was tired, working back to back shifts that no alpha should be able to handle - but seeing as Zayn was not like many other alphas, he was the only one able to do it - but of course, instead of spending his one day off sleeping, he's standing in the airport waiting on Gigi to get off of her plane.

"Look, I know that you're desperate for some pups but I'm not giving you any. That's Liams job, not mine."

"I'm not that desperate for pups, am I?"Harry worries, biting down on his bottom lip as he looks around his book store. It was near enough empty but that didn't bother him all that much, he only opened the store this morning to see if his omega friend would turn up to buy another book seeing as he never got to say goodbye to him at the hospital.

"Harry, You're just reeking of baby powder. I think you're bathing in it just to get the fucking hint towards your husband and that thick head of his."The smell of baby powder still lingered on Zayns clothes just a little from the last time he was embraced into a hug by Harry. You'd think Liam would get the hint, bit of course he hasn't which meant that every Alpha in the area had the unwelcoming smell of desperate lingering everytime Harry went somewhere.

"Anyway, I'm not even phoning for that type of favour, however..."Harry's voice trails off before he shakes off the feeling and continues speaking."You know like my Mum has that Omega house down town?"

"Is your Mum not a vet or something?"

"How many Omega vets do you know?"

"Okay, touché. Carry on."

"Okay, well she runs an Omega House Downtown and she's in need for a doctor or a nurse to voluntary give free check ups to the omegas that she's housing at the moment, and of course the first person that popped into my head was You! You're like one the best doctors I've ever known."Harry gushes, holding the phone close to his ear as he speaks down the phone.

"Harry, maybe they wouldn't want to be checked over by an Alpha doctor, seeing as some omegas are in Omega Houses due to Alphas."Zayn keeps his voice low so not to alert anyone surrounding him, keeping an eye on the arrival times that are shown on the overhead television screen.

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