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I seemed to have gotten less votes and comments on the last chapter, I know that this is slow build but it's going to get a lot quicker from here on ( I have the next few chapters planned out perfectly)

I also want to apologise for the lack of updates, I've had a lot of my focus on my other books and haven't touched ones like this or gentleman or petite.

It takes Zayn longer than he thought to do check ups on the omegas that Anne is housing, mostly due to the fact that he needs to take his time with a lot of the omegas and to not make any fast actions that could put the delicate Omegas into shock or fear. Zayn is okay with this, keeping his movements slow so that the omegas have a fast enough time to move away, he has spent his time with enough omegas to know what was okay and what was not.

It saddens Zayn, that such beautiful omegas have had so much trouble brought to them. He has to set up an ultrasound appointment for an omega who - or what Zayn can tell from the heart beats - is pregnant with triplets due to a rape by her former alpha. Another omega was given appointments for x-Ray's on his leg, ribs and left arm due to an abusive mate attack that even made Zayn tear up a little at how shaken up the omega was.

Despite the fact that the omegas were very weary of the alpha, they didn't cause no other during their check up, mostly because Anne was only a few feet away while he did the check up just for reassurance to the omegas. He took his time and didn't rush through their check ups, noted down weight and height and stitched up wounds that broke the skin.

"Oh, Zayn. There's one more."Anne is telling Doctor Malik just as the doctor is about to pack up his belongings so he can head home and maybe try and mend things up with Gigi."Loui-, where did he go? He was just here."Anne is mumbling to herself, the door open and Zayn watching her look around the hallway for the missing omega.

"He do a runner?"Zayn can't help but to smile just a little, shaking his head fondly whenever he looks at Anne's puzzled expression. He dark hair was tied up in a messy bun, sprinkle of flour over her apron which indicated she was baking Inbetween Zayns check ups.

"He was just here,"She shakes her head with a small sigh,"Let me go and fetch him, he's a stubborn wee thing."Zayn nods, allowing Anne to disappear and go find the omega who has seemed to run off from the doctor not that Zayn wasn't use to that type of thing.

Being a doctor, Zayn has came across some of the most aloof of beings, from drunk betas to high alphas, the most boisterous of Alphas - that think they don't need medical attention - and to the most timid of omegas who would rather be treated by a nurse than a doctor. Zayn had to make compromises, If an omega needed to be taken care of by a doctor but had a bad past with alphas, Zayn just had to get on with his job.

It made him think about the Unknown omega, how he was so vulnerable in his state but didn't cower away from the alpha doctor, he didn't shake in fear. The only thing that was suspicious was that he ever gave Zayn a reason for taking the suppressants, and the minute that Zayn mentioned for him to give him a name, the omega seemed to freeze up.

"Anne, please, I'm fine, I don't need a check up."Louis begs the older omega, practically being dragged by his wrist towards the room. For an omega, Anne was strong and persistent and yes, she was sweet and caring but her word was law.

"Louis, everyone is having one for safe measures. If you're going to live under my roof then you will do as I say."It wasn't as if Anne would kick the poor omega out of the house if he didn't do as she says, but it was the only threat that she could pull out of her sleeve. Louis shuts up pretty quickly, not wanting to be kicked out into the streets because he might be a sour asshole but he liked having a roof over his head and food in his stomach.

The Run and Go⚣Zouis AUWhere stories live. Discover now