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I told myself that I would update this rather quickly and here we are four months later and I'm updating. I mean, compared to my other track records I would say that this is somewhat of an achievement? And looking at other fics, I haven't updated Quiet since like July.

I PROMISE I will work around some type of updating schedule but A levels are a really fucking hard and my first exam is two months away BUT I finish in may so there is always that glimmer of hope of quicker updates after then.

I PROMISE I will work around some type of updating schedule but A levels are a really fucking hard and my first exam is two months away BUT I finish in may so there is always that glimmer of hope of quicker updates after then

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"Can I buy you a drink."There's a need to suppress a heavy sigh, blue eyes rolling in arrogance or annoyance or maybe because Louis is tired of being approached by in clubs by burly Alphas with squared shoulders and puffed out chests to show their undying dominance. Louis' nose may be weak, but it was not weak enough not to have caught the scent of intoxicating pheromones that has been swirled in with the hormones and the sort in a mostly omega and beta club.

It's an elite club, and Louis should know because his name has been on the list for a while now and he's gotten friendly enough with the owners to know that they make a killing for having the bar nearly strictly only Omegas and Betas only, a safe place for the weaker races, with exceptions to those with the right type of connections.

Louis breathes for the freedom of such a club, surrounded by the comforting smells of familiar hormones and radiating senses of sunshine, flowers, fresh clothing on the line on a breezy day that makes Louis' head swirl and swim and feel safe. Such an odd feeling to have when surrounded by the weakest races, but so insuring too. There's nothing safer than being wrapped in a bundle of omega goodness and Louis craves for that, he always has, and he always will.

"I buy my own drinks."He answers curtly, hand curling around his Black Russian that he brings to his lips, eyes trained on the drink, of the black liquid of coffee liquor, of the sharp smell of the vodka that's mixed within it. The drink is starting to mess with his head.

"It's rude to deny an Alphas offer."

"It's called self awareness, sweetheart, you learn to have it when you're an unmated Omega in London."Louis' entire body is poised and perfect as he sits by the bar in a club that he only got into through his secondary gender alone. Louis can't even remember how he ended up in London, and maybe that's a good thing, London is a busy city and Louis is quite the busy omega in some of the worse situations.

There's a large hand resting beside where Louis' hand rests on the bar, a chest hovering to the back of Louis but not pressing, a warm breath at the back of his neck that sends goosebumps to arise on his skin and a shiver down his spine.

"Then how about we change that, baby."The words are followed by those large, rough hands pressed to Louis' hips, grip tight and reeling to pull Louis' body into his chest if it isn't for the omega elbowing the much larger alpha in the gut. There's a moments pause, where Louis pushes out of his bar stool and makes a break for it when there's a hand capturing his wrist, his body jerking back and his back now pressed to the bar, grip strong on his delicate wrists, Louis' heart is beating fast in his chest as he flickers his eyes to meet the face.

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