Mercy x reader- nicknames

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(....sorry about the last story, I understand if people hate it because it was different. I-I will try to not add my oc to stuff and keep on track or overwatch. I understand that some people did not like it. Forgive me and...I will try to focus more on the topic. sorry again) 

" Well you are my dream" Mercy said feeding your a strawberry. You rolled your eyes and held out a strawberry for her to eat, "Well you are my angel~" you cooed as she took a bite of it giggling slightly.

"Get a room!" Reaper yelled pulling on his hood. You smiled and picked up Mercy twirling her around, "Fine gab. we will" You said making Mercy laugh. 

placing her down after walking up the stairs with her in your arms, You help open the door for Mercy making her kiss your cheek. 

You closed the door and watch as she sits on the bed with a small smile. The sun shined on her face making it glow like a real angel, Her hair framed her face perfectly. She was everything to you. Nothing would ever mean more than her.

you walked over to the bed and laid down on it, Feeling the blond cutie cuddle up o you and rest her head on your chest, " Your my pillow" She mumbled intertwining her fingers with yours. 

Pulling her hand up to your lips you kissed the back and smiled lightly, "You are my everything" you mumbled making her face flush pink. 

You looked over at her, she looked as if she was about to cry of joy. She slowly wrapped her arms around your neck and and kissed you lightly, her lips filled with passion and love. 

You kissed back feeling your souls connect and feeling love share between you to. Pulling away was the hardest thing you will ever do in your life. But seeing her for that millisecond, with her lips puckered and her eyes closed yet filled with passion. That was what you would always remember. 

Smiling as she opens her eyes you chuckle making her tilt her head, "What is it (y,n)?" she asked with a smile. You brushed some hair out of her face, "nothing, it's just that I am so lucky to have you." You mumbled rubbing your thumb across her cheek. 

Her skin was soft as silk, her eyes blue as the ocean, her voice as peaceful as a lullaby. 

How could one lady make a full man crumble like a sand temple....You would never know. 

"You are too sweet~ I love you (y,n)" She said resting her head on your shoulder. 

You smiled and rested your head on top of hers, "I love you too mercy". 

(The end. Again sorry for he lateness and Forgive me for my stupid last story....b-bye...)

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