Mei x (male)Reader- troll

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(sorry for not updating sooner. I haven't played overwatch in a long time and i'm no that into it as I was. but for you guys I can keep writing) (WARNING! this one has some teasing involved)

"so this is the troll song! its when you do something cringe or jut plan dumb! Like a troll" Hana explained to Mei as they watched a weather man make weird noises with his mouth. 

"o-oh, pffffff, thank you for this..h-Hana pff" Mei said holding back laughter. She knew what she must do. 

Later that day, You were in the middle of battle, taking the back way behind a building you felt ice freeze your legs, then it crawling up your back and capturing your arms, "w-what the? Mei?" You asked trying to turn your head as some of your neck got frozen too. 

Mei walked out from around a corner with hair covering one of her eyes and an evil smirk found it's way on her lips, "hello (y,n)~" she cooed making you gulp, you have never seen her like

"okay. you g-got me, not just kill me and let me restart." You shuddered out, why? was it the ice? was it the way she made you feel? NO! SHUT UP BRAIN!

"You see I would...But~ I wanted to try something on you"  She purred out flipping some hair out of her face and walking in front of you. 

Then it hit you, The ice only covered your back side for a reason...Instantly your face flushed red as she made her way closer to you, "U-UM, M-Mei, come on stop playing around. Just let me go" you begged a she licked her lips. 

Mei looked at your eyes, filled with fear, but through her framed glasses she saw a hint of lust swirled in them. 

"but why would I ruin the fun?" she asked watching your baggy pants tighten somewhat, In her head she was breaking down blushing. Is she really doing this?!

"p-please..."you begged with your tongue sticking out slightly, not know for what though. For Mei to finish what she started or for her to end you. It was all swirling in your head making you go dizzy. 

Slowly Mei removed her coat, Showing her black tank top, you couldn't help but stare at her breasts. 

Mei then pulled out her phone making you bite your lip, this must be getting kinky...

Closing your eyes, you waited for something a-Mei-zing. But all you heard was the troll song making your eyes snap open," Your kidding....."you mumbled as she started laughing and snorting. 

"no, forgive me (y,n)" she said putting her coat back on, "I found (Y,n)!" She shouted to the group. Looking up you saw Reinhardt charging at you and Mei waving. 

"Mei I hate you..." was your last words before being murdered my the (love of my life) huge German body of armor. As you re spawned Hana was recording when you popped back up in the camber pouting.

"I hate you both" you said to the camera then running back out to the battle. hopefully  seeing Mei again. 

(ze end. again sorry about the late updating)

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