Soldier 76 x reader- paint

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Red, tan, blue, and a touch of white....Perfect. It was a picture of  your best friend, and your worst secret. 

Currently You were in your room with headphones on that your best bud Lucio gave you. 

Listening to a rock song that Zarya introduced you to, It's some band called Falling In Reverse. The song is called, Game over. 

"My life is like a video game, trying hard to beat the stage, All while I am still collecting coins" You mumbled letting the brush stroke against the canvas lightly. 

" Trying hard to save the girl," You mumbled humming the rest. You waved your hips around and smiled at your art. It wasn't anything to marvel, but it was sure better than stick figures. 

A knock at your door was heard and you slipped your headphones around your neck, You walked to the door and opened it to see, The one, The only, Jack Morrison.

You smiled and paused your music, "Hey whats up" You said twirling the paintbrush around. "Can I come in?' He asked tapping his foot  slightly.  You opened the door for him to come in and smiled," Yes your highness" You cooed making him shake his head and sitting on your bed. You walked over to him and smiled with your hands on your hips, "Can I help you super soldier?" You asked raising an eyebrow. 

He took off his mask and sighed leaning back, "This is the only place I can relax and not hear my name be called every three seconds." he mumbled rubbing his temples. 

You sat by him and patted his chest, you blushed slightly feeling the outlining of his muscles through his shirt, "I understand, welcome to the no responsibility room" You said closing your eyes and smiling. 

Jack looked at your beautiful face, The way the light from the window made you look like an angel, They way your voice was laced with grace. His eyes widened a bit and he looked away trying to hide his blush. 

" So what are you painting?" He asked making you snap back into reality  and  get up quickly, "nothing just trash" You somewhat shouted looking at the canvas. 

Jack sat up and raised an eyebrow, " OK. Sure coming from the world's best painter, It is trash. Just let me see it" He said in a mocking tone making you blush a bit and shake your head, "R-really jack it sucks. I was going to-" You were cut off by harsh set of words, "Just let me see it! that is an order!" 

Closing your eyes and gulping you showed him the painting of himself with a small heart beside it. Jack was amazed on how well you did on it, but also on how well you pt your feelings on canvas. 

"I told you it was junk...I am just going to throw it away..y-you should go" You mumbled, tears forming in your eyes. Jack stood and walked over to you taking the canvas making you reach for it, "So you painted this.." He asked holding it above his head like a big brother with a sister's toy. 

You pouted and nodded crossing your arms,"Yes And I would like you to give it back" You huffed out tapping your foot annoyed. Jack smiled and shook his head, "Are you kidding me? You are not throwing this out" He said placing it back down in it's holder. You sighed but only to have arms wrap around your waist making you gulp and look into Jack's eyes. 

"And that is an order" He mumbled leaning his lips closer to yours. You started to close your eyes slightly and whispered, "Do you have any other orders" You asked, your lips only a centimeter apart. 

Jack smirked and before your lips touched he whispered, "Let me love you" And with that your lips brushed against each others. Minutes later you two were in the middle of a make out session.

Pulling away for air with a string of saliva connecting your mouths you huffed lightly as you both tried to catch your breath. 

"I think I can take orders, Permission to leave the room and get food soldier?" You asked with a smirk and a blush. 

Jack held onto your hips and licked his own, you felt him pull you closer and nibble your neck lightly, "Permission denied" He mumbled on your skin. 

(The end...sorry it was a bit dirty but The idea just popped in my head. Enjoy~)

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